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Saturday, 25 February 2012
Prophet Shoaib (PBUH)
The People of Madian and Their Character
Long ago a nation colonized in the northern Arabia. This nation had an ancestral link with Madian, the son of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). The name of the habitation where he resided was also Madian. It was a fertile land which produced rich crops. Most of the people had adopted trade as their profession and earned a lot of money by fair or foul means. They hankered after wealth from dawn to dusk. They used to give short measures and weight to their customers. They were dishonest and deceitful in their dealings.
In addition to malpractices in commerce and trade the People indulged in theft, debauchery, fornication and numerous unlawful acts. The abundance of wealth had made those people refractory and wayward. They were not afraid of God even and did whatever they liked. They ignored all moral values. Allah sent Shu'aib (Shoaib) for the reformation of His people. The Holy Quran says:
"And unto Madian We sent their brother Shu'aib who said: O' my people! serve Allah, you have no god save Him. There has come to you a manifest sign from your Lord: then give good weight and measure, and be not niggardly of your gifts to men and do not do evils in the earth after it has been righted. That is better for you if you are believers." (Surah 7: Verse 85)
The Prophet Shu'aib Preaches and is Tortured
According to the research of Ibn Khaldun, the mother of Prophet Shu'aib (peace be upon him) was the pious daughter of the Prophet Lut (peace be upon him). His genealogy joins with Madian son of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). The Prophet Shu'aib (peace be upon him) was an eloquent orator. He had the surname of Khatibul Anbiya (the Preacher to the Prophets).
He advised the people to mend their ways and give up wrangling in evil ways. The people turned a deaf ear to his advice and ridiculed him whenever they had got an opportunity. They began to torture him. The mischief makers used to sit in the way towards the residence of the Prophet Shu'aib (peace be upon him) and threatened his visitors of dire consequences. They disgraced those who followed him. He continued preaching and warned the evil doers by saying:
"And sit not down in every path, threatening and turning from the path of God those who believe in Him and craving to make it crooked. Remember when you were few and He multiplied you; and see what was the end of the evil doers. "
Some haughty chiefs of the Madian tribe threatened the Prophet Shu'aib (peace be upon him) and his followers to be banished from that locality. The Holy Quran affirms:
"Said the crowd of those who were big with pride amongst his people: We Will surely turn you out, O' Shu'aib and those who believe with thee from our village, or else you should return to our faith'' (Surah 7: Verse 88)
The Prophet Shu'aib (peace be upon him) was not coerced by such threats and went on conveying the message of Allah. He reminded them of dreadful calamities which befell upon the previous nations The Holy Quran affirms:
"And, O' my people! let not the schism with me cause you to sin so that there befall you that which befell the folk of Nuh? and the folk of Hod and the folk of Salih and the folk of Lut are not far off from you." (Surah 11: Verse 89)
Visitation Befalls upon them
The people jocularly rejected the veracity and truth of the religion of Allah. They tortured Prophet Shu'aib (peace be upon him) and his followers by transgressing all moral limits. When they did not give up their obstinacy in doing evil actions, Allah destroyed them by descending dreadful chastisement upon them. The Holy Quran says:
"And when Our Commandment came to pass, We saved Shu'aib and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us, and the awful cry seized those who did injustice and morning found them prostrate in their dwellings As though they had not dwelt there. A far removal for Madian, even as Thamud had been removed afar." (Surah 11: Verses 94-95)
"But they denied him, so there came on them the retribution of the day of gloom. LO! it was the retribution of an awful day." (Surah 26: Verse 189)
Death and Burial
After the perdition of that sinful nation. Prophet Shu'aib (peace be upon him) settled in Hadramaut where he passed away after some time. He was buried in Shaban near the Valley of Ibn 'ALI. The people came from far and wide to visit his sacred grave.
Prophet Zakariya (PBUH)
Zakariya (Zachariah) was an illustrious Prophet of the Israelites. He was one of the descendants of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him). The name of his wife was al-Yashbi' who belonged to the family of Prophet Harun (peace be upon him). The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) was the patron of Mary, the mother of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him). He was the trustee of Hekal. He worked as a carpenter and earned his livelihood.
His Life
The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) kept the torch of Mosaic law burning. He used to pray devotionally and preach zealously. His wife and he were the symbols of piety and righteousness. Most of his kinsmen lacked in spirit of true faith. As they were seduced, they were inclined to doing evil deeds. They were going out of the right path.
The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) was much anxious about this state of affairs. He had no offspring and there was no suitable person to hold the office of priesthood of Hekal after his death. He was desirous of having a son to become his good successor. He did not long for a son to satisfy a mere human desire for one's progeny. He wanted to have a son to maintain the warmth of religious activities.
One night he stood in prayer in his sanctuary and prayed to Allah to bless him with a good son. He was conscious that he was in an advanced age and his wife was barren and unable to raise any issue. He had full faith in Allah Who possesses power to do whatever He wills. He came to know through his prophetic insight that Allah would grant his request. He would be blessed with a good son to act as his heir who could guide the people aright.
God in His infinite mercy removed the defect of his wife's barrenness so that she might become mother. She gave birth to Prophet Yahya. (peace be upon him) who was destined to be honorable, chaste, and a prophet from among the righteous. The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) felt satisfied as his son grew up and became a symbol of piety. He was graced with wisdom, obedience and asceticism.
The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) continued preaching the religion of Allah even in old age. The Israelites were indulged in mischief making and wickedness. They had not only ignored the teachings of his Prophet but tortured him also. The Holy Quran makes mention of the cruel acts of the Israelites in the following Verses:
"Lo! those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah and slay the Prophets wrongfully and slay those of mankind who enjoin equity, promise him a painful doom." (Surah 3: Verse 21)
The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) did not die a natural death. One day the Israelites decided to put him to death. He hid himself in the covern of the tree. The Jews began to saw that part of the tree. The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) did not even utter a faint cry. His body was cut into two pieces.
Prophet Yaqub (PBUH)
Allah conveyed to the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) glad tidings regarding the birth of elite Prophets, Ishaq and Ya'qub (peace be upon them). The Holy Quran says:
"We gave him Ishaq and Ya'qub. Each of them We made a Prophet. And We gave them of Our mercy and assigned to them a high and true renown." (Surah 19: Verses 49-50)
Qualities of the Prophet Ya'qub
The Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) was the son of Prophet Ishaq (peace be upon him) and his wife Rebecca. He was born at Palestine. He passed his life exactly in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. He had full faith in the Oneness of God. He directed his followers to do good and shun evil. He advised them to keep up prayer and give alms. He was a man of parts and wisdom. God showered His blessings on him and his kith and kin. The Holy Quran affirms:
"And We gave him tidings of the birth of Ishaq, a Prophet of the righteous and We showered Our blessings on him and on Ishaq and of their off-spring are some who do good and some who plainly wrong their own selves." (Surah 37: Verse 113)
At the age of sixty the Prophet Ishaq (peace be upon him) was blessed with a pair of twins namely Esau and Ya'qub. Esau was a hunter and provided his aged parents with meat. Ishaq was chosen to be the Prophet of the Bani Israel.
His marriage and off-spring
It is narrated that his uncle Laban made Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) serve him for seven years on promise to marry Rachel with him. At the end of this period the marriage was solemnized. Later on he entered into matrimonial contract with three more women. The Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) had four wives and twelve sons who became the progenitors of twelve tribes. The Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) and Benjamin were from Rachel. The Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) had great affection for them.
Plot against Prophet Yusuf
As the off-springs of his other wives were jealous of Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) they hatched out a plan to separate Yusuf from his father. They took him out on a lame excuse of tending sheep and threw him into a waterless well. They came back home shedding crocodile tears and said: A wolf has devoured Yusuf.
The Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) suspected foul play on the part of his sons. He bore with patience the mental torture to which he was subjected in his old age. He wept bitterly day and night and lost his eye-sight. After a long time he came to know that Prophet Yusuf (peace Be upon him) was alive. He was the custodian of storehouse in Egypt.
The Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) along with the whole family proceeded towards Egypt on the invitation of his son. They were awarded a warm reception. He settled in Egypt. He died at the age of 140 years. He was buried in Hebron (al-Khalil) according to his will.
When the Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) was on the point of death, be called his sons and held conversation, with them. It is mentioned in the following Verses of the Holy Quran:
"The same did Ibrahim enjoin upon his sons, and also Ya'qub (saying): O' my sons! Lo! Allah has chosen for you the true religion, therefore die not save as men who have surrendered (unto Him) or were you present when death came to Ya'qub when he said to his --sons: What will you worship after me? They said: We shall worship your God, God of your fathers Ibrahim, Ismail and Ishaq, One God and unto Him We have surrendered." (Surah 2: Verses 132-133)
Prophet Dawood (PBUH)
Dawood (David) was not only an illustrious Prophet of the Israelites but he was also their king. The Holy Qur'an affirms:
"...And Allah gave him the kingdom! and wisdom and taught him of that which He willed...." (Surah 2: Verse 251).
"(And it was said unto him) O' Dawood! Lo! We have set you as a vicegerent in the earth, therefore, judge aright between mankind and follow not desire." (Surah 38: Verse 26)
The Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) had an ancestral link with the Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him). He lived in Bait-ul-Lahm which was situated at the distance of ten miles from Jerusalem. The Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) was the youngest of his eight brothers. The Prophet Samuel (peace be upon him) had received an indication that the Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) would become king after Jalut (Goliath). He went to Baitul-Lahm to cast a glance at Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him). He was much impressed at his attractive and angelic sight.
The Prophet Dawood Adopts the Companionship of Talut
According to the Torah, Talut (Saul) was in quest of a man who could play on a harp. As the Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) was well versed in this art, he was asked to come to Talut and stay with him. The Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) passed most of the time in the companionship of his master and visited his father off and on. He helped him in tending the sheep. Thus he got an opportunity to hunt wild beasts. The Holy Qur'an, makes mention of Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) at many places.
Heroic Deeds of Prophet Dawood
The Bible relates an incident which throws a light on the heroic deeds of Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him). Once a war broke out between the Israelites and the Philistines. The army of the Philistines was commanded by Jalut who was a man of lofty stature. He put on a shining armour. The Israelites were overawed to see Jalut's army which was well accoutered. He called out his opponents to combat but none of the Israelites had the courage to accept the challenge.
He declared: In case any one of the Israelites overpowered me, I would surrender to him but if I gained the upper hand, the opponents would have to become under the sway of the servitude of the Philistines. The Israelites were terror-stricken. They had lost their courage and self respect.
The Prophet could not bear this disgrace. So he decided to face Jalut for the sake of truth, honour and dignity. The king Talut advised him to refrain from fighting with an experienced warrior. The Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) did not budge an inch from his decision. He took his cudgel and proceeded towards the battle-field to fight with Jalut.
When they faced each other, Jalut disdained his adversary and cursed him by taking the name of some deities. He threatened Talut that his flesh would be thrown before the wild beasts and birds. The Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) did not care for such warnings and marched forward. He prayed:
"Our Lord! Pour out constancy on us and make our steps firm and help us against those who are disbelievers." (Surah 2: Verse 250)
By God's will Jalut was killed by Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) and his army was put to rout. The Philistines took to their heels. The Israelites chased them and came by an enormous booty. The Prophet Dawood (peace be upon him) won a good deal of appreciation and popularity because he rescued his people from those grave dangers which prevailed over them.
Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon)
Allah taught Prophet Sulaiman to understand the languages of birds and animals!
Prophet Sulaiman (Pbuh) was the son of Dawud(Alaih Assalaam). Sulaiman was very just, even as a young boy, and he became well known and respected for his wisdom. When he became a man, Allah made him His prophet. Allah also taught him to understand the languages of birds and animals. yet in spite of his wisdom and many wealthy possessions, Sulaiman never forgot Allah. He knew that all goodness comes from Allah. Thus, he always told his people: Thank Allah for the good He has given you and for His generosity. Worship Allah and do good deeds.
Once, Sulaiman and his soldiers were passing through a valley inhabited by ants. Sulaiman heard one ant say to another: Quick, get out of the way and hide! Sulaiman and his soldiers are coming, and they will trample on us and not even know they have done so!
Sulaiman, of course, was able to understand the ants’ language. He laughed and ordered his soldiers to stay still and wait until all the ants had crawled away to safety. Then he prayed to Allah: O Allah, help me in doing the right things so that You will be contented with me.
One day, Sulaiman called all the birds to gather round him, but as he glanced through the flock, he noticed that the Hoopoe bird was not there. Sulaiman waited for some time, and just as he was deciding not to wait any longer, the Hoopoe suddenly came flying in and sat himself down next to Sulaiman. I have come from a far-away city called Saba, the Hoopoe said. The people there are very rich and they have a Queen who sits on a magnificent throne. These people worship the sun and believe that they are right in treating the sun as God. But they are wrong, are they not? They will never find the right way to Allah if they go on like that. Allah is the only One Whom all creatures should worship.
Sulaiman then wrote a letter to the Queen of Saba and sent the Hoopoe to take it to her. When the Queen of Saba received the letter, she called all the wise men of the city to her. I have received a letter from Sulaiman, said the Queen. In it, Sulaiman writes that we should believe in Allah and worship only Him. What would you advise me to do? We are very powerful and can make war against Sulaiman, but you have to decide yourself what is to be done, the wise men answered.
But a war could cause destruction to our city, and our best warriors will turn into cruel fighters, the Queen protested. Therefore, I would prefer not to make war. Instead, I will send Sulaiman a present.
When the messengers of the Queen of Saba arrived with the present, they were very surprised because Sulaiman became very angry and said: Why do you bring me these riches instead of listening to my advice? What Allah has given me is much better than all these riches. Go to your Queen and take her presents with you!
When she heard Sulaiman had refused her valuable gifts, the Queen of Saba, in her turn, was surprised. So, she decided to go to see Sulaiman herself. She called her people and made preparations for the journey to Sulaiman’s city.
When the Queen arrived, Sulaiman explained to her about Allah and she realised how wrong she had been to worship the sun. You are right, she told Sulaiman, from now on, I shall worship only Allah. He is our only Lord and we should obey only Him.
Prophet Lut (PBUH)
The Advent of Prophet Lut
The Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was contemporary of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He was a nephew and follower of the Faith of his uncle. He was the resident of Ur, an ancient town in Mesopotamia. God conferred prophethood upon him. He was commanded to leave his native land and go to Sodom and Gomorra to warn and reform the people who were indulged in grave sins such as homosexual intercourse and robbery. The Holy Quran says:
"And Lut (remember) when he said to his folk: Will you commit abomination such as no creature ever did before. Lo! you come with lust unto men instead of women. Nay, but you are wanton folk." (Surah 7: Verses 80-81)
In another Verse the Holy Quran throws a light on the character of those sinning people. It says:
"What? Do you not come to males and commit robbery on the highways and do evil deeds in your meeting?" (Surah 29: Verse 29)
The Prophet Lut Preaches and is Opposed
The Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was an alien to those people. He began to preach the religion of God energetically. He advised the people to guard themselves against the punishment from God. He exhorted them to abandon sinful ways. He told them that God had created woman for them to satisfy their lust. They did not listen to the admonitions of their Prophet. They ridiculed and threatened him of dire consequences. They retorted that he would be expelled from that town in case he did not stop preaching and rebuking them. The Holy Quran affirms:
"And the answer of his people was only that they said (to one another): Turn them out of your township. They are folk who seek to keep pure." (Surah 7: Verse 82)
The same idea is expressed in the following Verses:
"They said: If you desist not, O' Lut, you will soon be of the outcast. He said: I am, in fact, of those who hate your conduct. My Lord! save me and my household from what they do." (Surah 26: Verses 167-169)
Gradually time passed by and the Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) did not achieve remarkable success on reforming those sinful persons. They were shamelessly addicted to grave sins and his warnings simply exasperated them.
Angels Appear as Guests
One day, three angels in the disguise of handsome young boys came to Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) and they conveyed to him a special message from Almighty Allah.
The Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) and his followers were directed to leave the town because something very dreadful was going to happen. When the people got wind of the visit of charming boys they tried to invade the house of Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) and demanded of him to deliver the guests to them. The Prophet was much upset and he said:
"O' my people! Here are my daughters! They are purer for you! Beware of Allah and degrade me not in (the presence of) my guests. Is there not among you any upright man ?" (Surah 11: Verse 78)
They rejected this appeal of the Prophet and said:
"Well, you know that we have no right to your daughters and well, you know what we want." (Surah 11: Verse 79)
The Prophet was much disappointed and said:
"Would that I had strength to resist you or had some strong support." (Surah 11: Verse 80)
The Angels Convey Message
The Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) warned the people of the inevitable punishment in case they insisted on committing indecency. They laughed and doubted his character. When all efforts were ended in smoke, the angels who were in the form of human beings, said:
"O' Lut, Lo! We are messengers of thy Lord; they shall not reach thee. So travel with thy people in a part of the night and not one of you turn round all save thy wife." (Surah 11: Verse 81)
The Prophet Lut is Delivered and his Nation Destroyed
The Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) and his adherents left the city in the fagging part of the night and took shelter in a place of safety. Soon after an uproar took place. A sudden tremendous noise shock the earth. It was a scary and dreadful earthquake. The houses crumbled down and lofty buildings smashed to nothing but rubble. The rocks that went up in the air hit those who tried to escape. All arrogant sinners were completely destroyed.
The Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) and his followers were saved but his wife could not survive because she sympathized with the sinners. The Holy Quran gives a brief description of this mishap in the following Verses:
"Then the (awful) cry overtook them at the sunrise: And We utterly confounded them, and We rained upon them stones of heated clay. Lo! therein verily are portents for those who read the signs." (Surah 15: Verses 73-75)
The Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was admitted to God's mercy and was declared to be one of the righteous. He died in Palestine and was buried at Bani Na'ima near Hebron.
Ibraaheem (peace be upon him)
Allaah sent His Prophet Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) and ordained among his offspring Prophethood and the Book (cf. al-‘Ankaboot 29:27).
“And mention in the Book (the Qur’aan) Ibraaheem (Abraham). Verily, he was a man of truth, a Prophet
[Maryam 19:41 – interpretation of the meaning]
Allaah guided Ibraaheem and honoured him with virtues and praiseworthy characteristics:
“Verily, Ibraaheem (Abraham) was an Ummah (a leader having all the good righteous qualities), or a nation, obedient to Allaah, Haneef (i.e. to worship none but Allaah), and he was not one of those who were Al-Mushrikoon (polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allaah, and those who joined partners with Allaah).
(He was) thankful for His (Allaah’s) Favours. He (Allaah) chose him (as an intimate friend) and guided him to a Straight Path (Islamic Monotheism — neither Judaism nor Christianity).
And We gave him good in this world, and in the Hereafter he shall be of the righteous”
[al-Nahl 16:120-122 – interpretation of the meaning]
Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) was the father of the Prophets; no Prophet was sent after him but he was from among his descendents. He had two sons whom Allaah chose to be Prophets. They were Ismaa’eel the grandfather of the Arabs, from among whose descendents Allaah sent the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and Ishaaq whom Allaah blessed with a Prophet called Ya’qoob, who was also known as Israa’eel, after whom Bani Israa’eel (the Children of Israel) and their Prophets were called.
The Qur’aan refers to the fact that Ibraaheem was the father of the Prophets, when it says concerning Ibraaheem (interpretation of the meaning):
“And We bestowed upon him Ishaaq (Isaac) and Ya‘qoob (Jacob), each of them We guided, and before him, We guided Nooh (Noah), and among his progeny Dawood (David), Sulaymaan (Solomon), Ayyoob (Job), Yoosuf (Joseph), Moosa (Moses), and Haaroon (Aaron). Thus do We reward Al-Muhsinoon (the good-doers).
And Zakariyya (Zachariya), and Yahya (John) and ‘Eesa (Jesus) and Ilyaas (Elias), each one of them was of the righteous.
And Isma‘eel (Ishmael) and Al-Yasaa‘ (Elisha), and Yoonus (Jonah) and Loot (Lot), and each one of them We preferred above the ‘Aalameen [mankind and jinn (of their times)]”
[al-An’aam 6:84-86]
Ibraaheem called his people in Mesopotamia to worship Allaah alone and to stop worshipping the idols which could neither bring benefit nor cause harm.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And (remember) Ibraaheem (Abraham) when he said to his people: ‘Worship Allaah (Alone), and fear Him: that is better for you if you did but know.
You worship besides Allaah only idols, and you only invent falsehood. Verily, those whom you worship besides Allaah have no power to give you provision, so seek your provision from Allaah (Alone), and worship Him (Alone), and be grateful to Him. To Him (Alone) you will be brought back’”
[al-‘Ankaboot 29:16-17]
Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) wanted to free his people from idol-worship and rid them of myths and legends. He asked his people about these idols, as Allaah tells us (interpretation of the meaning):
“And recite to them the story of Ibraaheem (Abraham).
When he said to his father and his people: ‘What do you worship?’
They said: ‘We worship idols, and to them we are ever devoted.’
He said: ‘Do they hear you, when you call on (them)?
Or do they benefit you or do they harm (you)?’
They said: ‘(Nay) but we found our fathers doing so’”
[al-Shu’araa’ 26:69-74]
Then he explained to them that they should not mindlessly follow others like dumb animals and clarified for them the ultimate reality which is that they should worship Allaah alone, in Whose hand is the dominion of all things:
“He said: ‘Do you observe that which you have been worshipping
You and your ancient fathers?
Verily, they are enemies to me, save the Lord of the ‘Aalameen (mankind, jinn and all that exists),
Who has created me, and it is He Who guides me.
And it is He Who feeds me and gives me to drink.
And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me.
And Who will cause me to die, and then will bring me to life (again).
And Who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the Day of Recompense (the Day of Resurrection)’”
[al-Shu’araa’ 26:75-82]
The father of Ibraaheem was one of the idol-worshippers. He used to carve them and sell them. His father’s kufr troubled Ibraaheem, so he singled him out for advice and said to him:
“O my father! Why do you worship that which hears not, sees not and cannot avail you in anything?
O my father! Verily, there has come to me of the knowledge that which came not unto you. So follow me, I will guide you to the Straight Path”
[Maryam 19:42-43 – interpretation of the meaning]
But his father did not respond to him, rather he threatened to stone him and forsake him. He said:
“Do you reject my gods, O Ibraaheem (Abraham)? If you stop not (this), I will indeed stone you. So get away from me safely (before I punish you)”
[Maryam 19:46 – interpretation of the meaning]
So Ibraaheem had no choice but to leave him, and he said to him:
“Peace be on you! I will ask forgiveness of my Lord for you. Verily, He is unto me Ever Most Gracious
[Maryam 19:47 – interpretation of the meaning]
Ibraaheem continued to ask for forgiveness for his father and to ask his Lord to guide him, but when it became clear to him that he (his father) was an enemy of Allaah, he disavowed him and stopped asking for forgiveness for him.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And Ibraaheem’s (Abraham) invoking (of Allaah) for his father’s forgiveness was only because of a promise he [Ibraaheem (Abraham)] had made to him (his father). But when it became clear to him that he (his father) is an enemy of Allaah, he dissociated himself from him. Verily, Ibraaheem was Awwah (one who invokes Allaah with humility, glorifies Him and remembers Him much) and was forbearing
[al-Tawbah 9:114]
When the people of Ibraaheem persisted in worshipping idols, Ibraaheem wanted to prove to them in practical terms that these idols could not cause harm or bring benefit, after his preaching and teaching had had no effect on his people:
“Then he cast a glance at the stars,
And he said: ‘Verily, I am sick (with plague). [He did this trick to remain in their temple of idols to destroy them and not to accompany them to the pagan feast)].’
So they turned away from him, and departed (for fear of the disease).
Then he turned to their aalihah (gods) and said: ‘Will you not eat (of the offering before you)?
What is the matter with you that you speak not?’
Then he turned upon them, striking (them) with (his) right hand”
[al-Saaffaaat :88:93]
Ibraaheem broke all the idols except the biggest one, which he left so that they could ask it who had done this:
“So he broke them to pieces, (all) except the biggest of them, that they might turn to it”
[al-Anbiyaa’ 21:58 – interpretation of the meaning]
When they came back from the festival for which they had gone out, they saw the broken idols and they accused Ibraaheem (of breaking them). He said to them:
“Nay, this one, the biggest of them (idols) did it. Ask them, if they can speak!”
[al-Anbiyaa’ 21:63 – interpretation of the meaning]
Because they knew that these idols could not speak – for they were inanimate objects – they said to Ibraaheem:
“Indeed you [Ibraaheem (Abraham)] know well that these (idols) speak not!”
[al-Anbiyaa’ 21:65 – interpretation of the meaning]
When they admitted that these idols could do nothing, Ibraaheem said to them:
“Do you then worship besides Allaah, things that can neither profit you, nor harm you?
Fie upon you, and upon that which you worship besides Allaah! Have you then no sense?”
[al-Anbiyaa’ 21:67 – interpretation of the meaning]
When they had exhausted all lines of argument, they resorted to the use of force and said:
“Burn him and help your aalihah (gods), if you will be doing”
[al-Anbiyaa’ 21:68 – interpretation of the meaning]
They gathered a lot of wood and started a fire which had great sparks and flames, then they threw Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) into that fire. He said, “Hasbi Allaah wa ni’am al-wakeel (Allaah is sufficient for me and He is the best Disposer of affairs).” So Allaah saved him from it and made it coolness and safety for him, and foiled the plot of his enemies:
“We (Allaah) said: ‘O fire! Be you coolness and safety for Ibraaheem (Abraham)!’
And they wanted to harm him, but We made them the worst losers”
[al-Anbiyaa’ 21:69-70 – interpretation of the meaning]
After saving Ibraaheem from the fire, Allaah commanded him to leave Mesopotamia and migrate to the Holy Land in Palestine. He married his cousin (the daughter of his paternal uncle) – Saarah – and set out with her and his brother’s son Loot for Syria,
as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And We rescued him and Loot (Lot) to the land which We have blessed for the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)
[al-Anbiyaa’ 21:71]
Then great hardship befell the land of Syria, so Ibraaheem moved to Egypt with his wife, then he came back to Palestine, bringing his wife and a slave woman of hers called Haajar. Ibraaheem longed to have children, but his wife was barren and had grown old. When she saw how much her husband longed to have a child, she gave her slave woman, Haajar, to him. So he married her and was blessed with his son Ismaa’eel from her:
“’My Lord! Grant me (offspring) from the righteous.’
So We gave him the glad tidings of a forbearing boy”
[al-Saaffaat 37:100-101 – interpretation of the meaning]
After Haajar gave birth to Ismaa’eel, Saarah began to feel jealous, so she asked Ibraaheem to send them away from her. Allaah revealed to Ibraaheem that he should take Haajar and the infant Ismaa’eel and take them to Makkah. So he took them and left Haajar and her child Ismaa’eel in an bleak, isolated place in which there was no water, then he left them and went back to Palestine. Haajar said to him, “For whom are you leaving us in this forsaken valley?” But Ibraaheem went and left her, and she said, “Has Allaah commanded you to do this?” He said, “Yes.” She said, “Then Allaah will not cause us to be lost.”
Ibraaheem submitted to the command of his Lord and patiently bore the separation from his wife and child. Then he turned towards where they were at the Sacred House and prayed for them in the following words (interpretation of the meaning):
“O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in an uncultivable valley by Your Sacred House (the Ka‘bah at Makkah) in order, O our Lord, that they may perform As-Salaah (Iqaamat-as-Salaah). So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and (O Allaah) provide them with fruits so that they may give thanks”
[Ibraaheem 14:37]
Haajar stayed in Makkah, eating the food and drinking the water that Ibraaheem had left for her and her son. When that ran out, she and her son became thirsty. She looked for water, and climbed the hill of al-Safaa but she did not see anything. Then she climbed the hill of al-Marwah but she did not see anything. She did that seven times, then she turned towards Ismaa’eel and saw water gushing from beneath his feet. She rejoiced and drank some, and gave some to her son to drink. Then a tribe – Jurham – came to Haajar and asked her permission to settle by the water. She gave them permission and they settled beside her. When Ismaa’eel grew up, he married one of their women and learned Arabic from them.
During this period, Ibraaheem used to visit his son from time to time. On one of these visits, Ibraaheem saw in a dream that Allaah was commanding him to sacrifice his son Ismaa’eel. The dreams of the Prophets are true, so Ibraaheem resolved to obey the command of Allaah, even though he was old and Ismaa’eel was his only son.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“So We gave him the glad tidings of a forbearing boy.
And, when he (his son) was old enough to walk with him, he said: ‘O my son! I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you (offering you in sacrifice to Allaah). So look what you think!’ He said: ‘O my father! Do that which you are commanded, In sha’ Allaah (if Allaah wills), you shall find me of As-Saabiroon (the patient).’
Then, when they had both submitted themselves (to the Will of Allaah), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (or on the side of his forehead for slaughtering);
We called out to him: ‘O Ibraaheem!
You have fulfilled the dream!’ Verily, thus do We reward the Muhsinoon (good-doers).
Verily, that indeed was a manifest trial.
And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (i.e. a ram)”
[al-Saffaat 37:101-107]
Then Allaah gave him the glad tidings of another son, who was Ishaaq, and then Ibraaheem returned to Palestine:
“And We gave him the glad tidings of Ishaaq (Isaac) a Prophet from the righteous
[al-Saaffaat 37:112 – interpretation of the meaning]
Ishaaq was born to him from his wife Saarah:
“And his wife was standing (there), and she laughed [either, because the messengers did not eat their food or for being glad for the destruction of the people of Loot (Lot)]. But We gave her glad tidings of Ishaaq (Isaac), and after Ishaaq, of Ya‘qoob (Jacob)”
[Hood 11:71 – interpretation of the meaning]
Then Ibraaheem stayed in Palestine for a while, then he returned to Makkah for an important reason. Allaah had commanded him to build in Makkah the first House to be built for the worship of Allaah. So Ibraaheem undertook this task of construction, and his son Ismaa’eel was lifting up the stones to him. When the walls grew higher, Ibraaheem stood on a rock, and this is the Station of Ibraaheem (Maqaam Ibraaheem) which is to be found in the vicinity of the Ka’bah.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And (remember) when Ibraaheem (Abraham) and (his son) Ismee‘eel (Ishmael) were raising the foundations of the House (the Ka‘bah at Makkah), (saying), ‘Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us. Verily, You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knower’”
[al-Baqarah 2:127]
Allaah commanded Ibraaheem and Ismaa’eel to cleanse the House of idols and other impurities so that it would be pure for those who would circumambulate it and stand and bow and prostrate (in prayer). When Ibraaheem built the House, Allaah commanded him to call mankind to perform the Hajj, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And proclaim to mankind the Hajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep and distant (wide) mountain highway (to perform Hajj)”
[al-Hajj 22:27]
Then Ibraaheem offered this great supplication for Makkah and for those who live in it:
“And (remember) when Ibraaheem (Abraham) said, ‘My Lord, make this city (Makkah) a place of security and provide its people with fruits, such of them as believe in Allaah and the Last Day.’ He (Allaah) answered: ‘As for him who disbelieves, I shall leave him in contentment for a while, then I shall compel him to the torment of the Fire, and worst indeed is that destination!’”
[al-Baqarah 2:126 – interpretation of the meaning]
Then he prayed for himself and his descendents, saying:
“Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us. Verily, You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
Our Lord! And make us submissive unto You and of our offspring a nation submissive unto You, and show us our Manaasik (all the ceremonies of pilgrimage — Hajj and ‘Umrah), and accept our repentance. Truly, You are the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful”
[al-Baqarah 2:127-128 – interpretation of the meaning]
Then he prayed for the people of the sanctuary, that Allaah would send to them a Messenger from amongst them, who would call them to worship Allaah Alone. He said:
“Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite unto them Your Verses and instruct them in the Book (this Qur’aan) and Al-Hikmah (full knowledge of the Islamic laws and jurisprudence or wisdom or Prophethood), and purify them. Verily, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise”
[al-Baqarah 1:129 – interpretation of the meaning]
Allaah responded to the prayer of His Prophet Ibraaheem. He made Makkah a place of security, He blessed its people with fruits and sent to them a Messenger from amongst themselves, who was the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). All praise and thanks be to Allaah.
After Ibraaheem, Prophethood remained with the Children of Israel for a long time, until Allaah sent Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from among the descendents of Ismaa’eel as a Messenger to all of mankind,
and commanded him as He said (interpretation of the meaning):
“Say (O Muhammad): ‘O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allaah…’”
[al-A’raaf 7:158]
Allaah commanded Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to follow the religion of Ibraaheem,
as He said (interpretation of the meaning):
“Then, We have sent the Revelation to you (O Muhammad saying): ‘Follow the religion of Ibraaheem (Abraham) Haneef (Islamic Monotheism — to worship none but Allaah) and he was not of the Mushrikoon (polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers)”
[al-Nahl 16:123]
Ibraaheem’s advice to his children was to adhere to the religion of Islam and follow its commands until they died.
Allaah said (interpretation of the meaning):
“And this (submission to Allaah, Islam) was enjoined by Ibraaheem (Abraham) upon his sons and by Ya‘qoob (Jacob) (saying), ‘O my sons! Allaah has chosen for you the (true) religion, then die not except in the Faith of Islam (as Muslims — Islamic Monotheism)’”
[al-Baqarah 2:132]
O Allaah, send blessings upon Ibraaheem and upon the family of Ibraaheem, for You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.
Other Prophets who were alive at the time of Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) were Loot, Ismaa’eel, Ishaaq, and Ya’qoob. Then came Yoosuf, then Shu’ayb, then Ayyoob, then Dhu’l-Kifl. Then Allaah sent Moosa and Haaroon (peace be upon them and may the best of blessings and peace be upon all the Prophets).
From Usool al-Deen al-Islami by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem al-Tuwayjri.
Prophet Ayub (PBUH)
The Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) was one of the descendants of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and a nephew of Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him). He was sent to reform the people who lived in the desert situated in the north eastern corner of Palestine. When Ayub (Job) was chosen to be the Prophet, he started to teach the people about God and His religion. He advised the people to do good and shun evil. As usual with all the Prophets very few people believed in him in the beginning but gradually the number of his followers began to increase.
The Prophet Ayub was Well Off
The Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) was a prosperous man with firm faith in Allah. He possessed vast farms, enormous wealth, many cattle and valuable property but these things did not make him arrogant. His wealth provided him with a medium by means of which he sought Allah's grace.
The Prophet Ayub Displays Patience
The Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) was a pattern of humility and faith in Allah. He was very patient. He suffered from a number of calamities but did not utter a single word of complaint. One day his big farm was attacked by the thieves. They killed many of his servants and carried away forcibly all his cattle. The Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) did not feel sorry at this loss and thanked Allah.
After some time the roof of the house fell down and many members of his family were crushed. The Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him) was much shocked but he held fast to his faith in Allah. He neither shed a tear nor heaved a sigh. He prostrated before the Almighty. He remarked that possessions and children were the gifts from Allah. If He had taken His things, it was useless to lament over their loss.
After a few years Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) suffered from skin disease. His parts of body were covered with loathsome sores. He had many ugly looking ulcers on his face and hands. The sores were full of worms. It is narrated that he picked up those worms which fell from his abscess and praised Allah for creating them.
Above all, his false friends attributed his calamities to his sins. They ridiculed and looked down upon him. All the persons deserted him with the exception of his faithful wife, Rahima. She also grew tired of him in the long run and prayed for his death. She cursed her husband for retaining integrity in Allah. When Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) was in an extremely pathetic condition he prayed:
"Truly adversity has afflicted me and You are Most Merciful of all who show mercy." (Surah 21: Verse 83)
Allah accepted his prayer. The Holy Quran affirms:
"Then We heard his prayer and removed that adversity from which he suffered, and We gave him his household and the like thereof along with them, a mercy from Our store and remembrance for the worshippers." (Surah 21: Verse 84)
The Prophet Ayub Recovers and Prospers
Allah turned to him with mercy. He was commanded to strike the earth with his foot. He complied with the order and water from the spring gushed forth. He took a bath with the water and got cured from his evil disease. After this he was restored to prosperity. The Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) knelt and prayed expressing a deep sense of gratitude to Allah. He never forgot His favours, mercy and love.
The Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) was one of the celebrated Prophets. His example illustrates: that those who remain patient under the stress of all circumstances, are never deprived of high rewards. The Holy Quran affirms:
"And surely we try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and crops, but give glad-tidings to the steadfast, who when a misfortune befalls them, say lo! we are Allah's (possession of Allah) and to Him shall we surely return. · Such are they on whom are blessings from their Lord, and mercy. Such are the rightly-guided." (Surah 2 : Verse 155-157)
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