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Thursday, 18 April 2013
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
A baker, whose shop was nearby, watched this scene and took pity on Imam Ahmed. He invited the Imam to stay with him for the night. While there, Imam Ahmed noticed that the baker continually made istighfaar (asking for Allah’s forgiveness) while working, and in the morning, the Imam eagerly asked his host about the latter’s continual seeking of forgiveness. The baker said it had become like second nature, and Imam Ahmed then asked whether the man had experienced any reward from this practice.
The baker answered,
“By Allah! No duaa (supplication to God) I made except that it was answered but one.”
“And what is that duaa?” asked Imam Ahmed.
“To be able to see the famed Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal!”
Imam Ahmed interjected, “I am Ahmed ibn Hanbal!”
He then went on to add:
“By Allah! I was dragged to your place so that you can have your duaa/supplication come true.”
Power of Istighfar - try it and see your life change insha'Allah!
A miser had accumulated, by effort, trade and lending, three hunderd thousand dinars. He had lands and buildings, and all kinds of wealth. He then decided that he would spend a year in enjoyment, living comfortably, and then decide as what his future should be.
But, almost as soon as he had stopped amassing money the Angel of Death appeared before him, to take his life away.
The miser tried, by every argument which he could muster, to dissuade the Angel, who seemed, however, adament. Then the man said: "Grant me but three more days and I will give you one-third of my possessions."
The angel refused, and pulled again at the miser's life, tugging to take it away.
Then the man said: "If you only allow me two more days on earth, I will give you two hundred thousand dinars from my store."
But the Angel would not listen to him. And the Angel even refused to give the man a solitary extra day for all his three hundred thousand pieces.
The the miser said: "Please, then, give me just time enough to write one little thing down."
This time the Angel allowed him this single concession, and the man wrote, with his own blood;
"Man, make use of your life. I could not buy one hour for three hundred thousand dinars. Make sure that you realize the value of your time."
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
****ضرور پڑھیں اور دوستوں کے ساتھ شیر کریں****
’’ہماری رہائش ریلوے کالونی گڑھی شاہو لاہور میں تھی ۔یہاں میرے ہم مذہبوں کے بھی گھرتھے لیکن زیادہ آبادی مسلمانوں کی تھی۔ اتفاق کی بات کہیے کہ میرا زیادہ اٹھنا بیٹھنا ملنا جلنا اور کھیلنا کودنا بھی مسلمان لڑکوں کے ساتھ ہی تھا ۔سچی بات یہ ہے کہ وہ بھی مجھے اپنے جیسے ہی لگتے تھے ۔مسلمانوں کے ہاں مجھے کوئی ایسی خاص خوبی یا امتیازی بات نظر نہیں آتی تھی کہمیرے دل میں مسلمان ہونے کا شوق پیدا ہوتا ،مسلمان لڑکوں کے مشغلے بھی میرے جیسے ہی تھے۔ ایف سی کالج میں پڑھائی کے دوران میری دوستی ایک ہم جماعت لڑکے جاوید انور سے قائم ہوئی وہ کرکٹ کے سپرسٹار اور ہمارے سینئر ساتھی سعید انور کا چھوٹا بھائی ہے۔ میں نے زندگی بھر اس جیسا لڑکا نہیں دیکھا ۔میں اسے ملنے سعید بھائی کے گھر جاتارہتا تھا ۔سعید بھائی تو 1989ء سے قومی ٹیم میں تھے ،میں کوئی نوسال بعد 1998ء میں ٹیم میں آیا ۔وہاں اکثر ایک سابق کرکٹر ذوالقرنین حیدر آجاتے تھے جو تبلیغی جماعت میں شامل ہوگئے تھے۔ وہ نیکی اور نماز روزے کی تلقین کیا کرتے تھے۔ لیکن اس وقت سعید بھائی کو ایسی باتوں کی لگن نہ تھی ۔اکثر جب ذوالقرنین حیدر یا تبلیغ والے دوسرے لوگ آتے تو سعید بھائی مجھے باہر بھیج دیتے کہ کہہ آئو کہ سعید گھر پر نہیں ہے۔ پھر میں نے دیکھا کہ آہستہ آہستہ ان کی طبیعت مذہب کی طرف آنے لگی ۔تبلیغی جماعت کے بزرگوں سے بھی ان کا میل جول بڑھ گیا۔ اپنی بیٹی کی وفات کے بعد وہ مکمل طورپر مذہبی رنگ میں رنگ گئے۔ اکثر تبلیغی دوروں پر رہنے لگے ۔وہ مجھے کہتے تھے ’’یوسف ہرروز سونے سے پہلے یہ دعا مانگا کرو۔‘‘ اے خدا!مجھے حق اور سچ کا راستہ دکھا… سعید بھائی نے مجھے ان دنوں کبھی یہ نہ کہا کہ مسلمان ہوجائو ہمیشہ اس دعا کی تلقین کرتے رہے۔ میں سعید بھائی کی نصیحت کے مطابق ہمیشہ سونے سے پہلے یہ دعا مانگتا رہا ۔میں نے سعید بھائی میں آنے والی تبدیلیوں کو بڑے غور سے دیکھا اور بہت متاثر ہوا ،
پھر ایک عجیب بات ہوئی ۔میرا ایک دوست ہے وقار احمد، بڑی پرانی دوستی ہے ہماری ، یہ تین سال پہلے کی بات ہے میں حسب معمول رات کو یہ دعا مانگ کر سوگیا کہ ’’اے خدا مجھے حق اور سچ کا راستہ دکھا‘‘ رات میں نے خواب میں اپنے دوست وقار کو دیکھا وہ خوشی خوشی میرے پاس آیا اور کہنے لگا’’سنا ہے تم مسلمان ہوگئے ہو‘‘ میں نے اسے کوئی جواب نہ دیا ۔آنکھ کھلنے پر میں یہ سوچتا رہا کہ کیا واقعی اللہ نے مجھے حق اور سچ کا راستہ دکھادیا ہے۔ وقار شیخوپورہ کا رہنے والا ہے۔ اتفاق دیکھئے کہ انہی دنوں پی آئی اے اور نیشنل بینک کے درمیان میچ کیلئے شیخوپورہ کرکٹ گرائونڈ تجویز ہوا۔ میں پی آئی اے کی طرف سے کھیل رہا تھا ۔شیخوپورہ پہنچا تو میرا وہی دوست وقار احمد مجھ سے ملنے آگیا۔ وہی خواب والی وضع قطع ، میں اس وقت حیران رہ گیا جب اس نے بالکل اسی انداز سے مجھ سے پوچھا ’’سنا ہے تم مسلمان ہوگئے ہو؟‘‘میں اس کا منہ دیکھنے لگا۔ یہی وہ لمحہ تھا جب مجھے یقین ہوگیا کہ اللہ نے مجھے اشارہ دے دیا ہے کہ حق کا راستہ کیا ہے ۔
شام کو میں شیخوپورہ سے لاہور آیا تو سیدھا کیولری گرائونڈ سعید بھائی کے پاس چلا گیا یہ اکتوبر 2002ء کا ذکر ہے ۔میں نے سعید بھائی سے کہا ’’میں مسلمان ہونا چاہتا ہوں‘‘ سعید بھائی نے مجھے گلے سے لگالیا مجھے کلمہ پڑھایا اور میری دنیا بدل گئی۔ اس دوران میں جب بھی رائے ونڈ جاتا اور حاجی عبدالوہاب صاحب سے پوچھتا کہ اب مجھے اسلام قبول کرلینے کا اعلان کردینا چاہئے تو وہ کہتے ’’نہیں ابھی نہیں‘ شاید انہیں میری شکل دیکھ کر اندازہ ہوتا تھا کہ ابھی میں اس لائق نہیں ہوا ۔میری مولوی فہیم صاحب اور طارق جمیل صاحب سے بھی ملاقاتیں ہوتی رہیں۔ انضمام بھائی کو پتہ چلا تو انہوں نے بڑی شفقت کی ۔ جون 2005ء میں کرکٹ ٹیم کچھ میچ کھیلنے سعودی عرب گئی ۔میچ تو نہ ہوئے البتہ ٹیم نے عمرہ کیا ۔اس سے کوئی ڈیڑھ دومہینہ پہلے میری بیوی بھی اسلام قبول کرچکی تھی میں نے اسے آزادی دی تھی کہ وہ سوچ سمجھ کر فیصلہ کرے۔ پوری ٹیم نے عمرہ کیا لیکن میں ان کے ساتھ شامل نہ ہوا کیونکہ ابھی تک میں نے مسلمان ہونے کا کھلا اعلان نہیں کیا تھا لیکن مجھے سخت بے تابی تھی کہ عمرے کی سعادت حاصل کروں ۔ میری بیوی بھی میرے ہمراہ تھی ۔ اب وہ تانیہ کی بجائے فاطمہ ہوچکی تھی۔رائے ونڈ سے مولوی فہیم صاحب نے مکہ میں موجود عالمگیر صاحب کے ذمہ لگایا اور وہ رات گئے ہم دونوں کو حرم شریف لے گئے ہم نے عمرہ ادا کیا ، یہ اللہ کا بہت بڑا کرم تھا۔ رات کے پچھلے پہر شروع ہونے والا عمرہ صبح پانچ بجے ختم ہوا۔ میں نے اسی وقت مولوی فہیم صاحب کو فون کیا انہوں نے حاجی عبدالوہاب صاحب سے ذکر کیا جنہوں نے مجھے قبول اسلام کا اعلان کرنے کی اجازت دے دی۔ پاکستان واپس آتے ہی میں نے اعلان کردیا ۔اسے اتفاق یا قدرت کا انعام کہیے کہ میں نے اپنے بیٹے اور بیٹی کے نام بھی مسلمانوں والے رکھے تھے۔ بیٹی کا نام انیقہ یوسف اور بیٹے کا نام دانیال یوسف ہے ۔میرے قبول اسلام پر والد صاحب نے برہمی کا اظہار نہیں کیا والدہ کچھ رنجیدہ ہوئیں لیکن اب سب کچھ معمول پر آرہا ہے میں اللہ سے دعا گورہتا ہوں کہ وہ میرے پورے خاندان کو حق اور سچ کا راستہ دکھادے۔
’’ہماری رہائش ریلوے کالونی گڑھی شاہو لاہور میں تھی ۔یہاں میرے ہم مذہبوں کے بھی گھرتھے لیکن زیادہ آبادی مسلمانوں کی تھی۔ اتفاق کی بات کہیے کہ میرا زیادہ اٹھنا بیٹھنا ملنا جلنا اور کھیلنا کودنا بھی مسلمان لڑکوں کے ساتھ ہی تھا ۔سچی بات یہ ہے کہ وہ بھی مجھے اپنے جیسے ہی لگتے تھے ۔مسلمانوں کے ہاں مجھے کوئی ایسی خاص خوبی یا امتیازی بات نظر نہیں آتی تھی کہمیرے دل میں مسلمان ہونے کا شوق پیدا ہوتا ،مسلمان لڑکوں کے مشغلے بھی میرے جیسے ہی تھے۔ ایف سی کالج میں پڑھائی کے دوران میری دوستی ایک ہم جماعت لڑکے جاوید انور سے قائم ہوئی وہ کرکٹ کے سپرسٹار اور ہمارے سینئر ساتھی سعید انور کا چھوٹا بھائی ہے۔ میں نے زندگی بھر اس جیسا لڑکا نہیں دیکھا ۔میں اسے ملنے سعید بھائی کے گھر جاتارہتا تھا ۔سعید بھائی تو 1989ء سے قومی ٹیم میں تھے ،میں کوئی نوسال بعد 1998ء میں ٹیم میں آیا ۔وہاں اکثر ایک سابق کرکٹر ذوالقرنین حیدر آجاتے تھے جو تبلیغی جماعت میں شامل ہوگئے تھے۔ وہ نیکی اور نماز روزے کی تلقین کیا کرتے تھے۔ لیکن اس وقت سعید بھائی کو ایسی باتوں کی لگن نہ تھی ۔اکثر جب ذوالقرنین حیدر یا تبلیغ والے دوسرے لوگ آتے تو سعید بھائی مجھے باہر بھیج دیتے کہ کہہ آئو کہ سعید گھر پر نہیں ہے۔ پھر میں نے دیکھا کہ آہستہ آہستہ ان کی طبیعت مذہب کی طرف آنے لگی ۔تبلیغی جماعت کے بزرگوں سے بھی ان کا میل جول بڑھ گیا۔ اپنی بیٹی کی وفات کے بعد وہ مکمل طورپر مذہبی رنگ میں رنگ گئے۔ اکثر تبلیغی دوروں پر رہنے لگے ۔وہ مجھے کہتے تھے ’’یوسف ہرروز سونے سے پہلے یہ دعا مانگا کرو۔‘‘ اے خدا!مجھے حق اور سچ کا راستہ دکھا… سعید بھائی نے مجھے ان دنوں کبھی یہ نہ کہا کہ مسلمان ہوجائو ہمیشہ اس دعا کی تلقین کرتے رہے۔ میں سعید بھائی کی نصیحت کے مطابق ہمیشہ سونے سے پہلے یہ دعا مانگتا رہا ۔میں نے سعید بھائی میں آنے والی تبدیلیوں کو بڑے غور سے دیکھا اور بہت متاثر ہوا ،
پھر ایک عجیب بات ہوئی ۔میرا ایک دوست ہے وقار احمد، بڑی پرانی دوستی ہے ہماری ، یہ تین سال پہلے کی بات ہے میں حسب معمول رات کو یہ دعا مانگ کر سوگیا کہ ’’اے خدا مجھے حق اور سچ کا راستہ دکھا‘‘ رات میں نے خواب میں اپنے دوست وقار کو دیکھا وہ خوشی خوشی میرے پاس آیا اور کہنے لگا’’سنا ہے تم مسلمان ہوگئے ہو‘‘ میں نے اسے کوئی جواب نہ دیا ۔آنکھ کھلنے پر میں یہ سوچتا رہا کہ کیا واقعی اللہ نے مجھے حق اور سچ کا راستہ دکھادیا ہے۔ وقار شیخوپورہ کا رہنے والا ہے۔ اتفاق دیکھئے کہ انہی دنوں پی آئی اے اور نیشنل بینک کے درمیان میچ کیلئے شیخوپورہ کرکٹ گرائونڈ تجویز ہوا۔ میں پی آئی اے کی طرف سے کھیل رہا تھا ۔شیخوپورہ پہنچا تو میرا وہی دوست وقار احمد مجھ سے ملنے آگیا۔ وہی خواب والی وضع قطع ، میں اس وقت حیران رہ گیا جب اس نے بالکل اسی انداز سے مجھ سے پوچھا ’’سنا ہے تم مسلمان ہوگئے ہو؟‘‘میں اس کا منہ دیکھنے لگا۔ یہی وہ لمحہ تھا جب مجھے یقین ہوگیا کہ اللہ نے مجھے اشارہ دے دیا ہے کہ حق کا راستہ کیا ہے ۔
شام کو میں شیخوپورہ سے لاہور آیا تو سیدھا کیولری گرائونڈ سعید بھائی کے پاس چلا گیا یہ اکتوبر 2002ء کا ذکر ہے ۔میں نے سعید بھائی سے کہا ’’میں مسلمان ہونا چاہتا ہوں‘‘ سعید بھائی نے مجھے گلے سے لگالیا مجھے کلمہ پڑھایا اور میری دنیا بدل گئی۔ اس دوران میں جب بھی رائے ونڈ جاتا اور حاجی عبدالوہاب صاحب سے پوچھتا کہ اب مجھے اسلام قبول کرلینے کا اعلان کردینا چاہئے تو وہ کہتے ’’نہیں ابھی نہیں‘ شاید انہیں میری شکل دیکھ کر اندازہ ہوتا تھا کہ ابھی میں اس لائق نہیں ہوا ۔میری مولوی فہیم صاحب اور طارق جمیل صاحب سے بھی ملاقاتیں ہوتی رہیں۔ انضمام بھائی کو پتہ چلا تو انہوں نے بڑی شفقت کی ۔ جون 2005ء میں کرکٹ ٹیم کچھ میچ کھیلنے سعودی عرب گئی ۔میچ تو نہ ہوئے البتہ ٹیم نے عمرہ کیا ۔اس سے کوئی ڈیڑھ دومہینہ پہلے میری بیوی بھی اسلام قبول کرچکی تھی میں نے اسے آزادی دی تھی کہ وہ سوچ سمجھ کر فیصلہ کرے۔ پوری ٹیم نے عمرہ کیا لیکن میں ان کے ساتھ شامل نہ ہوا کیونکہ ابھی تک میں نے مسلمان ہونے کا کھلا اعلان نہیں کیا تھا لیکن مجھے سخت بے تابی تھی کہ عمرے کی سعادت حاصل کروں ۔ میری بیوی بھی میرے ہمراہ تھی ۔ اب وہ تانیہ کی بجائے فاطمہ ہوچکی تھی۔رائے ونڈ سے مولوی فہیم صاحب نے مکہ میں موجود عالمگیر صاحب کے ذمہ لگایا اور وہ رات گئے ہم دونوں کو حرم شریف لے گئے ہم نے عمرہ ادا کیا ، یہ اللہ کا بہت بڑا کرم تھا۔ رات کے پچھلے پہر شروع ہونے والا عمرہ صبح پانچ بجے ختم ہوا۔ میں نے اسی وقت مولوی فہیم صاحب کو فون کیا انہوں نے حاجی عبدالوہاب صاحب سے ذکر کیا جنہوں نے مجھے قبول اسلام کا اعلان کرنے کی اجازت دے دی۔ پاکستان واپس آتے ہی میں نے اعلان کردیا ۔اسے اتفاق یا قدرت کا انعام کہیے کہ میں نے اپنے بیٹے اور بیٹی کے نام بھی مسلمانوں والے رکھے تھے۔ بیٹی کا نام انیقہ یوسف اور بیٹے کا نام دانیال یوسف ہے ۔میرے قبول اسلام پر والد صاحب نے برہمی کا اظہار نہیں کیا والدہ کچھ رنجیدہ ہوئیں لیکن اب سب کچھ معمول پر آرہا ہے میں اللہ سے دعا گورہتا ہوں کہ وہ میرے پورے خاندان کو حق اور سچ کا راستہ دکھادے۔
Beautiful Mosque
Siddiqa Fatima Zahra Mosque (Kuwait) (Image Credit: Matthew Jacob)
Blue Mosque (Yerevan, Armernia) (Image Credit: Beautiful Mosques)
Abu Derwish Mosque (Amman, Jordan) (Image Credit: Beautiful Mosques)
Akhmad Kadyrov Mosque (Grozny, Chechnya) (Image Credit: Beautiful Mosques)
Mecca Masjid (Hyderabad, India) (Image Credit: Beautiful Mosques)
Masjid Raya Mosque (Tanjong Pinang, Indonesia) (Image Credit: Beautiful Mosques)
Tokyo Mosque (Tokyo, Japan) (Image Credit: Beautiful Mosques)
Lead Mosque (Shkoder, Albania) (Image Credit: Beautiful Mosques)
Hui Mosque in Ningxia (Ningxia, China) (Image Credit: Islamic Arts and Architecture)
Shrine of Hazrat Ali (Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan) (Image Credit: Famous Mosque)
Saint Petersburg Mosque (St. Petersburg, Russia) (Image Credit: Zaratra)
Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan (Cairo, Egypt) (Image Credit: Ernie Reyes)
Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque (Muscat, Oman) (Image Credit: Jerome Ryan)
Al Nida Mosque (Baghdad, Iraq) (Image Credit: Mihoub Fares)
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei) (Image Credit: Tylerdurden1)
14 Things Assured The Love Of Wife
A man asked the wise man, how would I know if my wife loves me?
The man replied, when she does 14 things be assured that she loves you .
The man asked, so what are the 14 things?
The wise man answered:
1- If she likes to hear about your demeanour be sure that she loves you.
2- If she didn’t get angry when you contradicted her opinion.
3- If she becomes sad because of your sadness or anger.
4- If she always tries to create topics to make conversation with you.
5- If she always consults you before she makes something or takes a decision.
6- If she gets very happy when you gift her with something even if it’s a very simple gift.
7-if she always tries to help you or even do some of your tasks.
8- If she worries about you in your absence.
9- If she cares to do what pleases you, and never repeats what angers you.
10- If she doesn’t care about how little you earn (money).
11- If she patiently bears the harm which was caused because of you.
12- If she likes to share whatever you like and cares to become a part of your world and your hobbies.
13- She don’t feel shy of whatever you do.
14- She always gives you good news personally, instead of you hearing from a third party.
We ask Allah to bless us with true love and to assist us in maintaining it, Aameen.
The man replied, when she does 14 things be assured that she loves you .
The man asked, so what are the 14 things?
The wise man answered:
1- If she likes to hear about your demeanour be sure that she loves you.
2- If she didn’t get angry when you contradicted her opinion.
3- If she becomes sad because of your sadness or anger.
4- If she always tries to create topics to make conversation with you.
5- If she always consults you before she makes something or takes a decision.
6- If she gets very happy when you gift her with something even if it’s a very simple gift.
7-if she always tries to help you or even do some of your tasks.
8- If she worries about you in your absence.
9- If she cares to do what pleases you, and never repeats what angers you.
10- If she doesn’t care about how little you earn (money).
11- If she patiently bears the harm which was caused because of you.
12- If she likes to share whatever you like and cares to become a part of your world and your hobbies.
13- She don’t feel shy of whatever you do.
14- She always gives you good news personally, instead of you hearing from a third party.
We ask Allah to bless us with true love and to assist us in maintaining it, Aameen.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a prosperous country. One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country.
When he returned to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful, because it was the first time that he went for such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and stony.
He then ordered his people to cover every road of the entire country with leather. Definitely, this would need thousands of cows' skin, and would cost a huge amount of money.
Then one of his wise servant dared himself to tell the king, "Why do you have to spend that unnecessary amount of money? Why don't you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet ?" The king was surprised, but he later agreed to his suggestion, to make a "shoe" for himself.
Moral of the story:
To make this world a happier place for Ý♡ũ to live in ,requires you to change yourself - your heart, your mindset & ur attitude- Not the entire world.
Change ALWAYS begins with Ý♡ũ- not ur spouse,ur parent,ur in-laws ,ur neighbour or that sumone givng u a hard time.
One must bear in mind everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Unless we change ourselves first then we can change those near to us and expand further, Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.
“Truly, اَللَّهُ عَزَّوَجَل does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Quran 13:11).
When he returned to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful, because it was the first time that he went for such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and stony.
He then ordered his people to cover every road of the entire country with leather. Definitely, this would need thousands of cows' skin, and would cost a huge amount of money.
Then one of his wise servant dared himself to tell the king, "Why do you have to spend that unnecessary amount of money? Why don't you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet ?" The king was surprised, but he later agreed to his suggestion, to make a "shoe" for himself.
Moral of the story:
To make this world a happier place for Ý♡ũ to live in ,requires you to change yourself - your heart, your mindset & ur attitude- Not the entire world.
Change ALWAYS begins with Ý♡ũ- not ur spouse,ur parent,ur in-laws ,ur neighbour or that sumone givng u a hard time.
One must bear in mind everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Unless we change ourselves first then we can change those near to us and expand further, Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.
“Truly, اَللَّهُ عَزَّوَجَل does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Quran 13:11).
"A kindergarten teacher has decided to let her class play a game. The kindergarten teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag containing a few potatoes. Each potato will be given a name of a person that the child hates, so the number of potatoes that a child will put in his/her plastic bag will depend on the number of people he/she hates. So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the name of the people he/she hated.
Some had 2 potatoes; some 3 while some up to 5 potatoes.
The kindergarten teacher then told the children to carry with them the potatoes in the plastic bag wherever they go (even to the toilet) for one week. Days after days passed by, and the children started to complain due to the unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those having 5 potatoes also had to carry heavier bags. After 1 week, the children were relieved because the game had finally ended.
The kindergarten teacher asked: "How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with you for 1 week?" The children let out their frustrations and started complaining of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry the heavy and smelly potatoes wherever they go. Then the kindergarten teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the game.
The kindergarten teacher said: "This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred for somebody inside your heart. The stench of hatred will contaminate your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot tolerate the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the stench of hatred in your heart for your lifetime?"

The kindergarten teacher then told the children to carry with them the potatoes in the plastic bag wherever they go (even to the toilet) for one week. Days after days passed by, and the children started to complain due to the unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those having 5 potatoes also had to carry heavier bags. After 1 week, the children were relieved because the game had finally ended.
The kindergarten teacher asked: "How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with you for 1 week?" The children let out their frustrations and started complaining of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry the heavy and smelly potatoes wherever they go. Then the kindergarten teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the game.
The kindergarten teacher said: "This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred for somebody inside your heart. The stench of hatred will contaminate your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot tolerate the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the stench of hatred in your heart for your lifetime?"
Monday, 8 April 2013
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Sisters Avoid Uploading Photos On Facebook
Please pay your attention on this message…
A story which I watched forced me to write this article to save our sisters
Ok this is the story,
a TRUE story…
A girl was shocked to hear from one of her relatives who lives in abroad ,
that a naked photo of her has been published in a magazine in the country where his relative lived.
She was so shocked and complained in the local police station as she had never taken such a photograph.
In the police investigations it was found that it is the work of a man.
Well, this is what the man had done.
He goes into public places and takes photos of girls (through the camera that has been fixed in his pen) and fixes the faces of them to the naked photos of celebrities and sells them.
Now sisters, just think ….
You are uploading your beautiful photos to the face book,
What if someone steals it and edit and sell it????
To whom will you blame???
For the man who did this???
By blaming or punishing him could you get your lost possession?
Dear sisters,
You are beautiful, and you are so precious.
Yes that is why the one who created you asked you to save yourself from the diseased eyes.
After reading this some wise sisters will remove their photos.
Are you one among them?
Or will shaytaan stop you?
Think and Decide…
Share If you care!!
Note - This message is shared to warn our sisters.
not to blame anyone and this is a general message.
Share if you care!!!
A story which I watched forced me to write this article to save our sisters
Ok this is the story,
a TRUE story…
A girl was shocked to hear from one of her relatives who lives in abroad ,
that a naked photo of her has been published in a magazine in the country where his relative lived.
She was so shocked and complained in the local police station as she had never taken such a photograph.
In the police investigations it was found that it is the work of a man.
Well, this is what the man had done.
He goes into public places and takes photos of girls (through the camera that has been fixed in his pen) and fixes the faces of them to the naked photos of celebrities and sells them.
Now sisters, just think ….
You are uploading your beautiful photos to the face book,
What if someone steals it and edit and sell it????
To whom will you blame???
For the man who did this???
By blaming or punishing him could you get your lost possession?
Dear sisters,
You are beautiful, and you are so precious.
Yes that is why the one who created you asked you to save yourself from the diseased eyes.
After reading this some wise sisters will remove their photos.
Are you one among them?
Or will shaytaan stop you?
Think and Decide…
Share If you care!!
Note - This message is shared to warn our sisters.
not to blame anyone and this is a general message.
Share if you care!!!
Best Islamic General
What Is Marriage In Islamic Law?
Considered juristically, marriage in islam is a contract and not a sacrament. There are three aspects of marriage in Islamic Law which are necesssary to understand the institution of marriage as a whole. It is contract and not sacrament. It has three features,
Considered juristically, marriage in islam is a contract and not a sacrament. There are three aspects of marriage in Islamic Law which are necesssary to understand the institution of marriage as a whole. It is contract and not sacrament. It has three features,
- There can be no marriage without consent.
- And in a contract provisions in made for its breach, the various kinds of dissolution by acts of parties or by operation of law.
- Terms of marriage contract are within legal limits capable of being altered to suit individual case.
In Islam a definite high school status to women is given after marriage and there are restrictions on unlimited polygamy and allowed controlled polygamy.
"Marriage is religious legal contract that regularizes sexual relationship between men and women, established the linage of their progeny and created civil rights and obligations between them, which has for its object protection and legalization of children"
Object As Cited By Ameer Ali:
Marriage is an institution ordained for the protection of society and in order to human beings may guard themselves from foulness and unchastity and legalization of children
Extract From Quran:
Nature Of Marriage:
In Islam marriage is a civil contract.
Four Simple Ways to Live a Happy Life
Here are 4 simple ways to live a happy life,
hope these will work out for u and ur relationship;
1: Make peace with ur past so it doesnt spoil ur present.
2: Time heals almost everything, so be patient in every situation.
3: Accept urself.
4: Dont compare ur life with others, you have no idea what their journey is all about..
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Best Islamic sms 2013
Group of people-Islamic Sms
” A Group Of People
From My Ummah Will
Continue To Fight In
Defense Of Truth And
Remain Triumphant Until
The Day Of Judgment …”
Do not betray anyone-Islamic Sms
Do not betray anyone
who places his trust in you …
even if he betrays you.
Imam Ali (A.S)
Take your words-Islamic Sms
Take your words into account
as part of your actions,
and do not say anything
unless it is good.
Imam Ali (A.S)
Watch Your Thoughts-English Islamic SMS
Watch your Thoughts, they become Words!
Watch your Words, they become Actions!
Watch your Actions, they become Habits!
Watch your Habits, they become Character!
Watch your CHARACTER!, It becomes your DESTINY!!!
Banai Kya Khuda Ne Sohni Surat-Islamic SMS
Banai kya khuda ne sohni surat Muhammad ki
Huye ashiq woh jisne dekh li surat Muhammad ki
Kamal-e-husan-eyousuf par faqat Asihq Zulekha thee
Khuda khud jiss pe Ashiq huy woh woh surrat hai Muhammad ki
Muslanano ko jab janat k darwazy pay rokaingay,
Hukam hoga k janay do yeh ummat hai Muhammad ki..
Hazrat Ali RaziAllah-u-Anhu Said-Islamic SMS
Hazrat Ali Raziallahu Anhu said,
“kisi bhi shaks se tum narazgi ka lamha itna taweel na kero woh tumharay beghair hi jeena seekh lay”
Insaan ki Tabhai-Islamic SMS
Insaan ki Tabhai
3 bataoun ma hai
(1) Toba ki umeed par gunha karna
(2) Zindagi ki umeed par tubha na karna
(3) tuba k bagair naimat kee umeed rakhna
Musalman or Mumin mai Faraq-Islamic SMS
Musalman or mumin main kia faraq hai,
Muslim woh hai jo khuda ko manta hai,
or momin woh hai jo khudi kee manti hai
Kaaba Baitullah ki taraf-Islamic SMS
Apna moh Uss waqt “KAABA BAITULLAH” ki tarf na kro.
1. Jab ghusal krne lago.
2. Jab hajat krne lago.
3. Jab thooknay lago.
4. Jab jootay utarne ya pehnne lago.
5. Jab kuli krne lago.
6. Jab kapray utarne aur pahanay lago.
7. Jab naak saaf krne lago.
Take Your words into-Islamic SMS
Take your words into account
as part of your actions,
and do not say anything
unless it is good.
Imam Ali (a)
Monday, 1 April 2013
Islamic Sms
- Al-Hasan Al-Basri (rh) said to a man who attended a Janazah (funeral): 'Do you see if he were to return to this world, would he perform righteous deeds?' The man said, 'Yes'. He said, 'If it can't be him, let it be you...'
- Don’t buy things you don’t need, with money you don’t have, at a price you can’t afford, to impress people you don’t like.
- If the Quran is important enough to you, you'll find the time for it. If it isn't, you'll find an excuse.
- The finger you point at others, why dont you point it up at the sky and say ALLAH knows best.
- A MOTHER can take care of TEN children, but sometimes TEN children cant take care of A MOTHER.
- Do not lose temper because this weakness is always a good opening for Satan to find its way into your mind.
10 Things That Bring The Love of ALLAH(swt)
1) Recitation of the Qur’ an with reflection and with understanding of its meanings.
2) Seeking closeness to Allah by performing voluntary deeds after having performed obligatory ones, for that leads one to the highest levels of love.
3) Remembering Allah during every situation -with one’s time, heart and deeds, one’s share of that love is to the degree of one’s share in that remembrance.
4) Preferring what He loves to what you love when your desires are strong.
5) Allowing your heart to reflect on His Names and Attributes.
6) Reflecting on His many favors and blessings, both the apparent ones and hidden ones, for that leads to His love.
7) Having your heart softened as it is worshipping Allah.
8) Being alone with Him in worship when He descends during the last third of the night. And this means to invoke Him, to recite His Speech, to stand with all sincerity and with good manners and with good submission, and then to end that with repentance and with seeking His forgiveness.
9) Sitting with those who are truthful in their love of Allah.10) Staying away from all that creates barriers between the heart and Allah.
In the process of creating roads & tunnels he discovered a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.
The boy dug around the rock, managing to dislodge it from the dirt. With a little bit of struggle, he pushed & nudged the large rock across the sandbox by using his feet.
As he got the rock to the edge,he found that he couldn’t roll it up and over the wall of sandbox.
Determined, the little boy shoved, pushed, & pried, but every time he thought he had made some progress, the rock tipped & then fell back into the sandbox.
The little boy grunted, struggled, pushed, & shoved, but his only reward was to have the rock roll back, smashing his chubby fingers.
Finally he burst into tears of frustration. All this time the boy’s father watched from his living room window as the drama unfolded. At the moment the tears fell, a large shadow fell across the boy and the sandbox.
It was the boy’s father. Gently but firmly he said, “Son, why didn’t you use all the strength that you had available?”
Defeated, the boy sobbed back, “But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength that I had!”
“No, son,” corrected the father kindly. “You didn’t use all the strength you had. You didn’t ask me.”
With that the father reached down, picked up the rock and removed it from the sandbox.
Moral: Do you have ‘rocks’ in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you don’t have what it takes to lift them? There is always someone such as a loved one,a friend even a councillor/concernd Aalim available to us and who is willing to give us the strength we need. Isn’t it funny how in life we often try so hard to do things ourselves, when all we had to do was ask for help?…
“No, son,” corrected the father kindly. “You didn’t use all the strength you had. You didn’t ask me.”
With that the father reached down, picked up the rock and removed it from the sandbox.
Moral: Do you have ‘rocks’ in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you don’t have what it takes to lift them? There is always someone such as a loved one,a friend even a councillor/concernd Aalim available to us and who is willing to give us the strength we need. Isn’t it funny how in life we often try so hard to do things ourselves, when all we had to do was ask for help?…
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