Thursday 16 February 2012

Imam Azam Abu Hanifa and an athiest.

One day a debate took place between Imam Azam Abu Hanifa and an athiest. The issue of debate was whether or not there is a creator of the universe. A huge crowd gathered for this debate but for some reason, Imam Abu Hanifa turned up late. On arrival, the athiest asked him why he was late? Imam Abu Hanifa said:

"If I was to tell you that I was walking through the jungle when I saw a strange occurence. I stood by, as I saw a tree uproot itself from the ground and started to form planks. The planks assembled into a boat. The boat then by itself, went into the river and started to transport people from one bank of the river to the other. The boat also took money from each passenger. So now tell me would you believe such a story?"

The athiest listened with astonishment that such a lie was said by a respected man and replied:

"How can it be that all this happened by itself when no person or force was in control of this event!"

Imam Abu Hanifa replied:

"Just as a boat cannopt operate from nothing, similarly this entire universe we live in cannot operate without a controller. The earth, the heavens, the moon, the sun, the stars, everthing in the universe needs a creator as well. If only one boat needs a creator then surely the entire universe needs a creator."

The athiest was speechless by what Imam Abu Hanifa had said and readily accepted Allah Almighty as his Lord.

Moral of Story:

The universe has one creator who is Allah Almighty. The denial of His existence is against common sense as Imam Abu Hanifa demonstrated.

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