Thursday 16 February 2012

Sayidna Umar-e-Farooq

Sayidna Umar-e-Farooq reports that one day we were with the Holy Prophet on a mountain when all of a sudden an old man with a stick appeared and greeted the Holy Prophet . The Holy Prophet suspected that the old man was a Jinn, which he was. The Jinn whose name was Hama was the son of Haym, whose father was Laqis, who was the son of Iblis. The Holy Prophet confirmed from him two generations between Hama and Iblis.

The Holy Prophet then asked him his age:

"O Holy Prophet" , He said, "I am slightly less older than the Earth. I was a few years old when Qabil (Cain) killed Habil (Abel). I used to run between mountains and steal people's food. I also used to put bad ideas about others in people's minds and sow discontent and distrust between people."

The Holy Prophet told him his actions were wrong. The Jinn said he came to seek forgiveness.

"O Holy Prophet ! In the past I met Sayidna Nuh and spent a year in his company. I sought his forgiveness. Similarly, I have spent time in the company Sayidna Hud , Sayidna Yaqub and Sayidna Yusuf . I learnt the Torah and sent my Salaam's to Sayidna Isa . It was Sayidna Isa who told me to come to you and offer his Salaam. So I am here to convey that message to you and also request that you teach me some of the words of Allah Almighty."

The Holy Prophet taught him Surah Mursalat, Naba, Ikhlas and Shams. The Holy Prophet further said to Hama that he should come to him if he ever needed him.

Sayidna Umar further states that the Holy Prophet left this physical world and was unsure as to whether Hama was still alive or not.

Moral of Story:

The Holy Prophet is master not only over Mankind but the Jinn too. The Holy Prophet had told him that when he needed his help he should go to him without placing any time or space on the matter. This proves the Holy Prophet can and does help his followers whenever and wherever after his worldy death.

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