Saturday, 11 February 2012

Islamic Sms

Allah Says:
Try to Spend your Wealth in My Way,
I will Open Oceans of Treasure for you.
Try to Walk on My Way,
I will Make all the Ways Easy for you.
Try to Leave your Wills for Me,
I will Make your Desired Destiny for you.
Try to Bear Pain on My Way,
I will Open the Doors of My Care for you.
Try to Believe in Me,
I will Make Sincere Friends for you.
Try to Be Mine,
I will Make Everyone for you!
Try to Do your Best,
I will Do the Rest.


His Mother lay badly wounded in his arms
She was barely conscious
But still she was trying to wipe the tears from his eyes
She was still thinking of her baby


Please respect your parents
and give them all your LOVE

You may Find another wife or friends
but you will never find another MOTHER....


Masjid Ali Pasha, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.



A boy said to his father: "I saw a girl and I want to marry... her. She is so beautiful and she has gorgeous eyes. The father answered his son: of course son, let’s ask for her hand in marriage."

When the father saw the girl, he admired her beauty and he told his son: "You don’t deserve this girl, she needs someone who has experience in life and she can depend on, someone like me."

The boy was surprised by the attitude of his father and he told him : "She will marry me, not you”. They started to fight and finally they decided both to go to the police station to solve their problem.

When they tell their story to the police officer, he told them:”bring the girl so we can ask her about her opinion about this. " When the officer saw the beauty of the girl he said to the boy and his father:”you both don’t deserve her, she needs someone who has prestige like me.”

The 3 men started a fight and decided to go to the minister to solve their problem. When the minister saw the girl, he said: "She deserves to be married with a minister like me”. The prince heard about their problem and call them all to help them solve it but and when he saw the girl he said : "This girl will marry me” .

All the 5 men started to fight. Finally, the girl said “I have the solution! I will start to run and whoever catches me first, he will be my husband”. When she started to run, the boy, his father, the police officer, the minister and the prince started to run to catch her. Suddenly the 5 men fell into a deep hole.

The girl looked to them from the top and she said “did you know who am I?”

I am the Dunya THE LIFE!!

People want to run to catch me, they are racing to have me.
By doing that, they forget their religion,
until they end up in their grave and won’t have me....!

صحيح البخاري: 2120

یوسف بن محمد ، یحیی بن سلیم ، اسماعیل بن امیہ ، سعید بن ابی سعید ، ابوہریرہ
نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم سے روایت کرتے ہیں

آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا اللہ تعالیٰ نے کہا تین آدمی ہیں جن کا میں قیامت کے دن دشمن ہوں گا

ایک وہ شخص جس نے میرا واسطہ دے کر عہد کیا پھر بے وفائی کی

دوسرے وہ شخص جس نے کسی آزاد کو بیچ دیا اور اس کی قیمت کھائی

تیسرے وہ شخص جس نے کسی مزدور کو کام پر لگایا اس سے کام پورا لیا اور اس کی مزدوری نہ دی۔


The Prophet said, "Allah said,

'I will be an opponent to three types of people on the Day of Resurrection:

1. One who makes a covenant in My Name, but proves treacherous;

2. One who sells a free person and eats his price; and

3. One who employs a laborer and takes full work from him but does not pay him for his lab our.


صحيح البخاري: 2120

Pakistani Awam Ki Mushkilat

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