Tuesday, 6 March 2012



صومالیہ میں نائٹ کلب کے مالک عبد اللہ کی خانہ کعبہ کا موذن بننے کی کہانی

میں ایک مشہور گلوکار تها لیکن پهر جب میں جب نائٹ کلب کا مالک بن گیا تو پھر وہاں گانے گاتا مقدیشو کے ہوٹل اور نائٹ کلب میری بکنگ کے لیے زیادہ سے زیادہ رقومات پیش کرتے۔ راتوں کو زندہ کرنے کیلئے، لوگوں کو خوش کرنے کیلئے اور اپنے آپ کو مزید پاپولر بنانے کیلئے میں نت نئے ناٹک رچاتا۔ عریاں ڈانس، فحش مکالمات اور عشقیہ گیتوں کے ذریعے پیسہ کمانا ہمارا مقصد حیات بن چکا تھا۔ جب یہ چیزیں میسر ہوں تو پھر شیطان خوب خوش ہوتا ہے۔ بگڑے ہوئے گھرانے، ان کی امیر لڑکیاں، اور لڑکے، شراب، نشہ، ہیروئن سب کچھ میسر تھا۔ رقص گاہیں ہماری وجہ سے آباد تھیں۔ شیطان کے اہداف حاصل کرنے کیلئے ہمارے ارد گرد بدکار لوگوں کا ایک بڑا گروہ تھا

ہم نے بھی اسلامی اقدار کو ختم کرنے اور شیطانی مجالس کو فروغ دینے میں ساری قوتیں صرف کردیں۔ ہم صرف نام کے مسلمان تھے۔ اسلامی روح کے بغیر ظاہری حد تک میں نے کتنے ہی یورپی ممالک کا سفر کیا ۔ وہاں نائٹ کلبوں میں گاتا رہا، صومال کے آرٹ کو اجاگر کرتا رہا، مغرب کو خوش کرنے کیلئے کہ ہم ترقی پسند قوم ہیں میرے ایمان کا، اسلام کا اور اخلاق کا جنازہ نکلتا گیا…..مگر میری جیب بھرتی گئی۔

"1983 ء میں میرے والد نے اپنے ہی خاندان میں سے ایک لڑکی کا انتخاب کیا۔ خوب ہلاگلا ہوا۔ ٹیلی ویژن، اخبارات، ذرائع ابلاغ کے نمائندے جمع ہوئے۔ یقینا یہ ایک یادگار شادی تھی۔

"شادی کے دوران میں، میں نے یہ محسوس کیا کہ میری بیوی اتنی زیادہ خوش و خرم نہیں ہے جتنا کہ میرے جیسے معروف آدمی سے شادی کے بعد کسی لڑکی کو خوش اور فخرہونا چاہیے۔ میں نے اس کو اس کی فطری حیا پر محمول کیا میں نے کئی مرتبہ دیکھا کہ جب صبح گھر آتا ہوں تو میری بیوی جاگ رہی ہوتی ہے اور عموماً اس کے ہاتھ میں قرآن پاک ہوتا ہے جسے وہ پڑھ رہی ہوتی ہے۔ میں آکر اسے بڑے جوشیلے انداز میں اس رات کی کارکردگی سناتا۔ اپنے پرستاروں کی چاہت سے آگاہ کرتا۔ آج کتنی لڑکیوں اور لڑکیوں کے فون آئے جو میرے فن کے شیدائی ہیں۔ میری بیوی ان باتوں کو ناگواری سے سنتی اور میرے لیے ہدایت کی دعا کرتی۔ اس دوران میں فجر کی اذان ہوجاتی اور وہ مصلے کی طرف بڑھ جاتی، جب کہ میں نماز پڑھے بغیر ہی سوجاتا۔ میں جب بھی اس سے نائٹ کلب کا ذکر کرتا، وہاں کی باتیں سنانا، اپنی کمائی کا ذکر کرتا، بینک بیلنس کا رعب جماتا تو وہ جواباً کہتی: "رازق تو صرف اللہ کی ذات ہے"

"ہماری شادی کو پانچ سال گزر چکے تھے۔ میں مسلسل اپنے فن میں مبتلا اور فسق و فجور میں ڈوبا ہوا نماز اور عبادت کے بغیر زندگی گزارتا رہا…..پھر اچانک ہماری زندگی میں ایک ہنگامہ برپا ہوا۔ یہ 1988کی بات ہے، میری بیوی نے مجھ سے کہا:"میں اس شخص کے ساتھ ہرگز زندگی نہیں گزارسکتی جو اپنے رب کا وفادار نہیں، جو نماز ادا نہیں کرتا اس کی کمائی حرام ہے جو فجر کے وقت گھر آتا ہے میری وہم و گمان میں بھی نہیں آسکتا تھا کہ میری بیوی میرے لیے ایسا سوچ سکتی ہے۔ بہرحال گھر میں لڑائی شروع ہوگئی۔ میں نے اس کی باتیں سنی ان سنی کردیں

"کچھ دن گزرے، ایک دن جب میں گھر میں داخل ہوا تو فجر کی اذان ہورہی تھی۔ شہر کی مساجد میں اذانیں بلند ہورہی تھیں۔ ہر طرف اللہ اکبر۔۔۔اشھد ان لا الہ الا اللہ حی علی الصلاة کی گونج تھی۔ جب سونے کیلئے اپنے کمرے میں جانے لگا تو میری بیوی نے کہا: "آپ مسجد میں نماز کیلئے کیوں نہیں جاتے؟ کیا آپ نے اذان کی آواز نہیں سنی؟"

میری زندگی میں یہ پہلا موقع تھاکہ کسی نے مجھے نماز کیلئے کہا تھا۔ اس لمحے میں نے خود بھی نماز پڑھنے کے بارے میں سوچا میرے جسم میں جھرجھری سی آئی۔ بیوی کی آواز بار بار کانوں میں گونج رہی تھی۔ "اس وقت مسلمان مسجد کی طرف جارہے ہیں۔ آپ کیوں مسجد کا رخ نہیں کرتے؟ یہ رحمن کا بلاوہ ہے۔ یہ مالک الموت کی طرف سے دعوت ہے"اور پھر میرے ذہن میں خیر اور شر کی کشمکش ہوئی۔ فطرت کی آواز بلندہوئی: تمہارا نام کتنا خوبصورت ہے…..عبد اللہ…..تم اللہ کے بندے ہو۔ مگر نہیں…..تم تو شیطان کے چیلے بنے ہوئے ہو۔ کبھی تم نے اپنے مالک کے سامنے سر نہیں جھکایا۔ تم کب تک زندہ رہو گے ، کب تک زندگی رہے گی، کب تک جوانی رہے گی؟ میرے سامنے ماضی آگیا…..ضمیر نے ملامت شروع کی…..مگر فوراً کلب کی رعنائیاں، ٹیلی ویژن کی سکرین، اسٹیج، شہرت، عزت…..کیا میں بیوی کی بات مان لوں؟ یہ کام چھوڑ دوں؟ یہ مقام حاصل کرنے کیلئے میں نے بے حد محنت اور جدوجہد کی ہے۔ یہی سوچتے سوچتے میں حسب عادت سوگیا"

"شام کے وقت میں نے کپڑے تبدیل کیے۔ کلب جانے کیلئے تیاری کی…..میری بیوی نے میرے کان میں سرگوشی کی، اس کی آنکھوں میں آنسو تھے۔ وہ کہہ رہی تھی: ذرا بیٹھ جائیں…..ذرا میری بات تو سنیں…..کیا ہمارا رازق اللہ نہیں ہے؟ حلال کا ایک لقمہ حرام کے ہزاروں لقموں سے بہتر ہے"

"مجھے ایسا محسوس ہو اکہ بیوی کی آواز…..اس کی گفتگو…..اس کے کلمات…..یقینا درست ہیں۔ ان میں صداقت ہے…..یہ فطرت کی آواز ہیں…..مگر…..میرا فن…..میری آواز…..میری شہرت؟…..میں تیزی سے بھاگا کہیں بیوی کی بات مان نہ لوں"

"راستے میں بیوی کے کلمات میرا پیچھا کر رہے تھے کہ میں نائٹ کلب کے دروازے پر پہنچا۔ اس دوران عشاءکی نما ز کا وقت ہوچکا تھا۔ میرے کانوں میں موذن کی خوبصورت اور دل میں اتر جانے والی آواز گونجی…..حی علی الصلاة…..حی علی الفلاح….. "

"بیوی کی نصیحت یاد آئی…..اللہ کی رحمت جوش میں آگئی۔ فسق و فجور اور کفر کے غبار کی تہ بیٹھنے لگی…..ایمان کی حرارت اور اسلام کی قوت زوردکھانے لگی…..اور پھر میرا رخ نائٹ کلب سے مسجد کی طرف ہوگیا"

"میں مسجد میں داخل ہوا، وضو کیا ۔ جماعت ہورہی تھی، میں نے نماز ادا کی۔ بعض نمازیوں نے مجھے پہچان لیا۔ کوئی ہاتھ ملا رہا ہے، کوئی دور سے سلام کررہا ہے۔ ان کے چہروں پر مسکراہٹ اور میرا چہرہ خوشی سے دمک رہا ہے۔ الحمد اللہ میں نے فطرت کو پالیا ہے"

"کسی نے مجھے صحیح بخاری کا نسخہ تحفے میں دیا۔ یہ اب میرے لیے متاع حیات تھی…..میں اپنی نئی ماڈل کی قیمتی گاڑی میں سوار ہوا۔ اس کا رخ نائٹ کلب کی بجائے گھر کی طرف دیکھا۔ میری بیوی جو مجھے فجر کے وقت گھر آتے دیکھاکرتی تھی…..آج عشاءکے بعد گھر میں دیکھ رہی تھی۔ بیوی کی طرف بڑھا۔ "بیگم…..تمہیں مبارک ہو…..میں نے آج سے گانوں سے توبہ کرلی ہ۔ میں نے فسق وفجور اور لہو و لعب کی زندگی کو تین طلاقیں دے دی ہیں۔ میں نے سچی توبہ کرلی ہے۔ میں الحمد اللہ تائب ہوگیا ہوں۔

"پھر میں نے محسوس کیا گویا میں نے نئی زندگی کا آغاز کیا ہے سب سے پہلا کام وہ اسٹوڈیو، جس کا میں مالک تھا، جس میں گانے ریکارڈ کراتا تھا، جس میں دنیا بھر کی جدید مشینیں تھیں، جن کو دنیا کے کونے کونے سے جمع کرتا رہا تھا…..میں نے اس اسٹوڈیو کو دعوت الی اللہ کیلئے وقف کردیا کہ اب یہاں قرآن پاک کی کیسٹیں، علمائے کرام کی تقاریر اور اسلامی ترانے ریکارڈ ہونگے میں نے قیمتی گاڑی فروخت کردی، خوبصورت محل نما کوٹھی فروخت کردی…..میں ایک اوسط درجے کے مکان میں آگیا۔ اب میرا وقت اپنے گھر میں گزرنےلگا۔ میری ایک ہی تمناتھی…..ایک ہی جستجو…..میں حلقہ قرآن سے وابستہ ہو گیا…..اب مجھے قرآن پاک حفظ کرنے کی خواہش تھی"

1990 میں عبد اللہ نے اپنے وطن کو چھوڑنے کا ارادہ کرلیا اور پھر وہ پہلی مرتبہ اس گھر کی زیارت کیلئے آیا جس کی زیارت اور جس کے گرد چکر لگانے کی تڑپ دنیا کے ہر مسلمان کے دل میں ہوتی ہے۔ وہ مکہ مکرمہ پہنچ گیا، نیک بخت بیوی بھی ہمراہ تھی۔ عمرہ ادا کیا تو اس کے ایمان میں مزید اضافہ ہوگیا۔ مکہ مکرمہ میں بعض اہل خیر کو معلوم ہوا ،وہ اس سے واقف تھے …..اس کی سابقہ زندگی سے…..اس کے ماضی سے ….. اس کی اسلام پر پختگی سے …..اور پھر انہوں نے عبد اللہ کو ہاتھوں ہاتھ لیا، اس کی تکریم کی، اس کی کفالت کی ….. کچھ ہی عرصہ میں اس نے قرآن کے دس پارت حفظ کرلیے۔

اب وہ ایک مبلغ تھا عقیدہ کا، اسلام کا ، قرآن کا، حدیث کا پھر وہ اس دوران میں کئی مرتبہ عمرہ کرنے کیلئے مکہ مکرمہ آیا۔ پھر اس کو اس بلد الحرام میں، مکہ مکرمہ میں، اس مبارک اور مقدس شہر کی مقدس مسجد میں بطور موذن موقع مل گیا۔ عبد اللہ آج بھی مبلغ ہے، وہ موذن ہے اسلام کی آواز کا وہ سعودی عرب میں ہو یا صومال میں، ہر جگہ وہ دعوت الی اللہ کا فریضہ سرانجام دے رہا ہے اور نجانے کتنے ہی گنہگاروں اور خطاکاروں نے اس کے ہاتھ پر توبہ کی ہے اور اپنی زندگیاں قرآن و سنت کے مطابق بنالی ہیں تاکہ وہ بھی حقیقی سعادت سے بہرہ ور ہو سکیں بالکل اسی طرح جس طرح عبد اللہ سعادت حاصل کرچکا ہے۔

اللہ کے رسول کا فرمان بالکل حق ہے:

؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛ الدنیا متاع و خیر متاع الدنیا المراة الصالحة ؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛

"دنیا ایک پونجی (فائدہ کی چیز) ہے اور دنیا کی بہترین پونجی نیک بیوی ہے !

Islam and Evolution


Evolution in simple terms means gradual change over time. The theory of biological evolution is the idea that all living things undergo physical changes caused by natural selection and that all of life is connected and can be traced back to one common ancestor. Evolution can be classified into two categories: Microevolution and Macroevolution. Microevolution states that genetic changes occur within living things which may or may not be noticeable whereas macroevolution is used to refer to changes in organisms which are significant enough that, over time, the newer organisms would be considered as an entirely new species. Macroevolution has long been a controversial topic in all the three Abraham faiths .There are differences of opinion among the Abrahamic faiths regarding the theory of evolution whenever it is used to describe the origins of man. It is best to approach such a controversial topic in a completely objective and academic manner and therefore I will be looking at the following in my report

- Different opinions held by prominent Muslims regarding evolutionary theory

- Quranic verses that may relate to the theory of evolution

- Examining some of the verses that Muslims find contradictory to the theory of evolution.

Please Note - I will be not discuss the scientific accuracy of the theory of evolution. My intention is only to see whether or not the theory contradicts the Quran.

Muslim Creationists and Evolutionists:

Theories relating to biological evolution have existed long since in the Muslim world. In fact it may surprise many to know that Afro-Arab biologist Al-Jahiz (c. 776-869) ,a Muslim scientist and philosopher, was one of the first few individuals to express the notion of natural selection. In his book “The book of animals” he states.

“Animals engage in a struggle for existence; for resources, to avoid being eaten and to breed. Environmental factors influence organisms to develop new characteristics to ensure survival, thus transforming into new species. Animals that survive to breed can pass on their successful characteristics to offspring.”

Other Muslims such as 13th century theologian Nasir al-Din al-Tusi have expressed the idea of common descent .Tusi explains how elements evolve into minerals, then plants, then animals, and then humans. In addition he also indicates how natural selection causes transmutation within species and leads to genetic variability which results in the survival of the fittest.

"The organisms that can gain the new features faster are more variable. As a result, they gain advantages over other creatures. [...] The bodies are changing as a result of the internal and external interactions."

What is most surprising to find is that it was Muslims who were perhaps the first to express the idea of man’s descent from apes. The Brethren of Purity, a secret society of Muslim philosophers in Basra, Iraq, in the 10th century CE ,expresses a man –ape relation in their “Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity”. Furthermore in the 14th century, Ibn Khaldum expressed similar beliefs in his work “The Muqaddimah”.

"We explained there that the whole of existence in (all) its simple and composite worlds are arranged in a natural order of ascent and descent, so that everything constitutes an uninterrupted continuum. The essences at the end of each particular stage of the worlds are by nature prepared to be transformed into the essence adjacent to them, either above or below them. This is the case with the simple material elements; it is the case with palms and vines, (which constitute) the last stage of plants, in their relation to snails and shellfish, (which constitute) the (lowest) stage of animals. It is also the case with monkeys, creatures combining in themselves cleverness and perception, in their relation to man, the being who has the ability to think and to reflect. The preparedness (for transformation) that exists on either side, at each stage of the worlds, is meant when (we speak about) their connection.

Plants do not have the same fineness and power that animals have. Therefore, the sages rarely turned to them. Animals are the last and final stage of the three permutations. Minerals turn into plants, and plants into animals, but animals cannot turn into anything finer than themselves”

While it is true that down the ages many Muslim theologians have accepted the theory of evolution, many have also have rejected it .In fact belief in evolutionary theories has greatly declined in the current Muslim world. A 2007 study of religious patterns found that only 8% of Egyptians, 11% of Malaysians, 14% of Pakistanis, 16% of Indonesians, and 22% of Turks agree with Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Most scholars who reject the theory of evolution contend that evolution contradicts the Quran. They would argue that God created all the organisms in their present form and then scattered from those created parents of animals and plants, all the present diversity of animals and plants. However when it comes to the creation of man, they quote different verses of the Holy Quran which according to them indicates that Adam was a special creation of God and was created directly. According to these scholars God created the father of all humans “Adam” from clay and then from the rib of Adam, his wife Hawwa (Eve), the mother of all mankind. Then from these two, all human beings sprung. Scholars such as Shihab-ud-DinNadvi, Wahiduddin Khan and Harun Yahya adhere to this view point.

Harun Yahya, an influential contemporary Islamic creationist, views evolution as materialistic philosophy which “holds a number of bogus views about why and how we came into being”. His book “Evolution Deceit” is in fact a scientific approach to refute and reject Darwinism, and that is why it is written on the first page of this book.

“The Scientific collapse of Darwinism and its Ideological Background”. Harun Yahya

refers to the event of “Cambrian Explosion” during which the remarkably complex forms of animals appeared suddenly, some 550 million years ago. He then quotes a number of

contemporary biologists who authenticate the “Cambrian Explosion” and then at page 30 of his book (the Evolution Deceit) he writes “the fossil record indicated that living things did not evolve from primitive to the advanced forms, but instead emerged all of a sudden and in a perfect state. Shihab-ud -Din Nadvi has also written a very comprehensive book entitled “The Creation ofAdam and the Evolutionary Theory” in which he categorically refuted the evolutionary theory. Maulana Wahidud Din Khan writes about evolutionary theory as:

“For a hundred years this theory held sway over human thought. But then further

investigations revealed that it had loopholes. It did not fully fit in the framework of creation. In certain fundamental ways, it clashed with the order of the universe as a whole.”

Evolution in light of the Quran:

In order to understand evolution from an Islamic perspective we have to deeply examine the Quranic statements alluding to man’s origins of life. Below I will refer to some thought provoking arguments put forward by Hassan Ali El-Najjarn who has written an excellent article entitled “Creation and Evolution in the Holy Qur'an”.

I will also try to shed some light on the Quranic verses which according to many Muslims contradicts the theory of evolution. I intend to look only at the Quranic statements and will not bring in any other Islamic narratives such as the hadith while evaluating my arguments. My intention is not to prove whether evolution is right or wrong but to show that evolution does not contradict the Quranic statements.

Allah tells us in the Holy Quran that he has created every living out of water

“Allah has created every animal out of water . Of them (is a category which) walks upon its belly, ( another which) walks upon two legs, and ( a third which) walks upon four . Allah creates what He wills. Allah is Able to do everything (he wants) “ (24:45)

He also tells us that every human beings are made from clay

32.7. “(Allah is He) who has made everything He created better, and He began the creation of the human (being) out of clay.”

In this verse, we are told that Allah (Praise to Him) began the creation of human beings out of clay, but that was only the beginning. He then improved His creation making it better.The most relevant word in this verse is "began" (bada-a), which tells us clearly that creation happened in a process that had a beginning, not just at once. The same meaning is found in Verse 15, Chapter 50.The scientific evidence available to us tells us that the beginning of life was in an environment similar to swamps, which are composed basically of water and earthly matter. This produced clay, where the first forms of life began in the form of single cell organisms. These organisms multiplied reproducing themselves first by splitting and division. However, later, they paired as males and females to reproduce as they took other life forms in the sea and on land. Reproduction has become in the form of uniting the watery genetic materials of males and females, as the following verse (32.8) reveals:

“32.8 . Then He made his offspring from a quintessence of despised water (coming out of parents).”

When the fetus reaches a degree of mental development that allows it to receive information, God’s basic software is installed in it. An angel blows part of God’s spirit in His new creation. This includes at least two programs.

The first is shared with other living beings, in order to make the organs of an organism functioning internally and automatically. The second is unique to humans in that it allows humans to distinguish good from evil and consequently enables them to choose their actions. This is implied in the following verse

“32.9. Then He shaped him (in due proportions), and breathed in him of His Spirit, and made for you hearing, sight, and hearts; little thanks you give”

Surah 32 Verse 7-9 is according to me is the key verse which implies that the creation of man did not occur overnight but rather gradually. I believe that it is possible to interpret from the verse that at one point in time Adam(pbuh) was born out of some “non human” species and he was probably the first being to be given the “soul”. Assuming that such a interpretation is true then that instance when Adam was given the soul is exactly when the creation of the first human being was finally completed.

“He has created you in diverse (and successive) stages.”(71:14)

The above verse may be interpreted to refer to the successive stages of the development of a fetus in its mother’s womb. However, it can also be interpreted to refer to the successive stages of the human evolution

A specific description of the environment where life started is given in the verse below

“AND, INDEED, We have created man out of sounding clay, out of dark-slime transmuted” (15:26)

This according to my understanding is referring to swamps where still water is combined with the earth soil, which creates stinking but smooth clay. This is exactly the type of environment biologists have come up with to explain the origins of life on Earth.

Another verse that may allude to the evolutionary theory can be found in surah 82 verse 7

“O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous, (6) Who created you, proportioned you, and balanced you? (7) In whatever form He willed has He assembled you.”( 82.7))

This verse may refer to three main stages of the creation of human beings. The first was the creation of a living cell (The Arabic verb khalaqa, created). The second was the change from unicellular prokaryote organism to the multi-cellular eukaryote animal organism (The Arabic verb sawwa, proportioned you or fashioned you). The third was the human departure from the animal stage (The Arabic verb 'adala, made you walk in an upright way or balanced you)

The above arguments which I have mostly extracted from Hassan Ali El-Najjarn article “Creation and Evolution in the Holy Quran” and find to be tenable, is based on scientific interpretation of the Quranic verses. We must keep in mind that these are arguments that are based on interpretation and speculation and therefore may or may not be true.

Some Controversial Quranic Verses:

I would now like to talk about some verses of the Quran which many Muslims seem to have difficulty reconciling with the theory of Evolution. The most controversial verse is the one from surah 4 verse 1.I will put forward two different translation of the verse. The first one is by Pickthall

“O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women. Be careful of your duty toward Allah in Whom ye claim (your rights) of one another, and toward the wombs (that bare you). Lo! Allah hath been a watcher over you.”


This is more like the classical translation of this verse. By just looking at this verse one can contend that due to the use of the word “soul” the Quran is stating that human beings have originated from one man who according to the prophetic narration is Adam(PBUH). However this claim is unwarranted because the word “nafs” which is denoted as “soul” in the above translation, can have multiple meanings .Below is Mohammed Asad’s translation and tasfeer which I think speaks well for itself.

“O MANKIND! Be conscious of your Sustainer, who has created you out of one living entity, and out of it created its mate, and out of the two spread abroad a multitude of men and women.1 And remain conscious of God, in whose name you demand [your rights] from one another, and of these ties of kinship. Verily, God is ever watchful over you!”

Mohamamad Asad states in his book “The message of the Quran”

“Out of the many meanings attributable to the term nafs - soul, spirit, mind, animate being,

living entity, human being, person, self (in the sense of a personal identity), humankind,

life-essence, vital principle, and so forth - most of the classical commentators choose

"human being", and assume that it refers here to Adam. Muhammad 'Abduh, however, rejects

this interpretation (Manar IV, 323 ff.) and gives, instead, his preference to "humankind"

inasmuch as this term stresses the common origin and brotherhood of the human race (which,

undoubtedly, is the purport of the above verse), without, at the same time, unwarrantably

tying it to the Biblical account of the creation of Adam and Eve. My rendering of nafs, in

this context, as "living entity" follows the same reasoning - As regards the expression

zawjaha ("its mate"), it is to be noted that, with reference to animate beings, the term

zawj ("a pair", "one of a pair" or "a mate") applies to the male as well as to the female

component of a pair or couple; hence, with reference to human beings, it signifies a woman's

mate (husband) as well as a man's mate (wife). Abu Muslim - as quoted by Razi - interprets

the phrase "He created out of it (minha) its mate" as meaning "He created its mate [i.e.,

its sexual counterpart] out of its own kind (min jinsiha)", thus supporting the view of

Muhammad 'Abduh referred to above. The literal translation of minha as "out of it" clearly

alludes, in conformity with the text, to the biological fact that both sexes have originated

from "one living entity".

I think the tafseer clears out any misconception we may have regarding surah 4 verse 1.

Moreover if we are to follow Mohammed Asad’s explanation of the verse then we can also conclude that both Adam and Eve could have evolved from apes which, however, may or may not be true.

Another verse that is used by some Muslim scholars to refute the evolutionary theory is from surah 3 verse 59

“Lo! the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, then He said unto him: Be! and he is.”

Many respected scholars such as Ghamidi argue that this verse suggests that Adam (PBUH) was born without the agency of parents just like Jesus (PBUH) and therefore was a direct creation of GOD. However this verse according to me indicates that Jesus (PBUH) simply had a miraculous birth and so did Adam (PBUH).If we are to assume that Adam was given birth from something “Non human” than that fact itself is a miracle. Moreover if we consider the birth of Jesus, it is not that he just popped up all of sudden

but rather he was born of the virgin Mary. Therefore if we for instance assume that Jesus came into existence exactly like Adam came into existence, then it must necessarily follow that Adam was given birth from something else in a miraculous way.

The last contention that some scholars use is that Adam was created in heaven and not in Earth. This is not an objective claim to make. The fact whether Adam was created in heaven or in Earth is debatable. Some scholars argue that the word “jannah” that is used to mean garden is not the jannah that the righteous are supposed to go after they die.

The Heaven mentioned, in which Prophet Adam and Eve were residing and from which they were temporarily evicted, was actually (according to these scholars) a heaven in this world. In another place in the Holy Quran it is clearly mentioned:

"And for him who fears to stand before his Lord are two Gardens" (55:46).

There is a consensus of opinion that the two Gardens (ja-na-taan) means the heaven of this world, and the Hereafter. Some other scholars also argue that Adam was rewarded to stay in Heaven with his wife AFTER he won the contest against the angels (the naming of creatures) as the Quran states in surah 2 verse 35.


On researching briefly on this topic I have come to believe that the theory of evolution does not contradict the Quranic statements. The Quran does not explicitly affirm the theory but neither rejects it. I might, however, be wrong in my understanding and I am open to any form of correction. Only Allah (SWT) in his infinite wisdom knows best. I hope Allah (SWT) accepts my humble effort and increase us all in knowledge. I would now like to conclude with a beautiful verse from the Holy Quran

“Say: “Go all over the earth and behold how [wondrously] He has created [man] in the first instance: and thus, too, will God bring into being your second life for, verily, God has the power to will anything!”(29:19-20


Unfortunately, Jihad has become one of the most misunderstood doctrines of Islam. To many Muslims, Jihad is the answer to all their sufferings, but to non-Muslims it is perhaps become the primary reason to dread Muslims. In a world that is populated by almost 1.5 billion Muslims, this issue assumes phenomenal importance. In the opinion of this writer, in addition to other factors, world peace is threatened by a handful of Muslims because of some erroneous concepts about Jihad. In an effort to remove these misconceptions and to clarify the stance of Islam regarding Jihad, this issue of the journal has been dedicated to what we think is the true concept of Jihad in Islam.
Following are some important points that are discussed in the articles which appear in this issue:
First and foremost, only an Islamic state has the authority to wage Jihad. No independent group or organization has the right to launch an armed struggle in any way.
Secondly, after the departure of the Prophet (sws) and his Companions (rta), the only legitimate reason for an Islamic State to wage Jihad is to curb oppression and persecution in another country – whether Muslim or non-Muslim.
Thirdly, Jihad is or was never carried out for territorial aggrandizement or for forcibly converting people to Islam. People who erroneously justify either or both of these two bases draw their arguments from the Jihad carried out by the Prophet (sws) and his Companions (rta). It needs to be appreciated that the Jihad carried out by the Prophet (sws) and his Companions (rta) after him was governed by a specific law meant only for the Prophets of Allah and their immediate addressees, and has nothing to do with later Muslims. A study of the Qur’an reveals that the purpose of their Jihad was neither territorial aggrandizement nor forcible conversion of people to Islam: contrary to both, it was Divine punishment meted out to people who had arrogantly denied the truth in spite of being convinced about it.1
Fourthly, Muslims can rise against their rulers only in certain circumstances. In case, they intend to resort to armed warfare to dislodge them, then the following conditions must necessarily be fulfilled:
a. Muslim rulers are guilty of openly and knowingly denying Islam or any of its directives.
b. The government should be a despotic one, which neither came into existence through the opinion of the people nor is it possible to change it through their opinion.
c. The person who leads this uprising should have a clear majority of the nation behind him and they are willing to accept him as their future ruler in favour of the existing one.
d. The rebels are able to establish their authority in an independent piece of land.
It is hoped that this issue of the journal is able to provide some food for thought for our readers.

1. According to the Qur’an, one of the reasons for which people will be punished in the Hereafter would be denying the truth that had come to them in this world even though they were convinced about its veracity. Such people are also punished in this world by the Almighty directly and sometimes through His Rusul (Messengers) and their companions. Since it is humanly impossible for a Rasul to determine whether his addressees were deliberately denying the truth or not, it was only on the basis of information provided by the Almighty that this punishment was carried out. He chose to impart this information to his Rusul through Wahi (Divine Revelation). However, after the departure of the last Rasul Muhammad (sws), people who have deliberately denied the truth cannot be pinpointed since the institution of Wahi has been terminated. Therefore, after his time and that of his immediate Companions (rta), no one has the right to punish people on such grounds. (For more details see: Islam and Non-Muslims: A New Perspective, Renaissance: March 2002, Daru’l Ishraq, Lahore

What is the Ka`ba?

The Ka`ba is the place of worship which God commanded Abraham and Ishmael to build over four thousand years ago. The building was constructed of stone on what many believe was the original site of a sanctuary established by Adam. God commanded Abraham to summon all mankind to visit this place, and when pilgrims go there today they say 'At Thy service, O Lord', in response to Abraham's summons.

Malik Mohammed Hassan, Canada

First of all, I would like to start by saying that this true story is not for my own fame or admiration, but for the sake of my Lord and your Lord God. All praises due to God, the Lord of the worlds, the Beneficent, the Merciful Owner of the day of judgment. I would like to repeat to you something I heard: the journey of a thousand miles has to start with the first step, and this is the first part of my journey.

My name is Malik Mohammed Hassan, and I have recently converted to Islam. When I was in junior high school, I was first introduced to Islam by reading the book Roots by Alex Haley. It taught me a little bit about the strong will that most Muslims possess, myself included. It also introduced me to Allah. I had never heard of Allah in his real form until I read that book, and I was very curious. I then started reading about The Nation of Islam (specifically Malcolm X), and it fascinated me how devoted he was to God, especially after he left the self serving Nation of Islam. Reading about Malcolm made me think about a God who (for a change) did not have any physical … limitations and, being a totally blind person, it made me relate to these people: the people who Malcolm and Haley referred to as Muslims. I continued reading what I could about Islam, which wasn’t as much as it should have been. My reading material was very limited, because like I said above, I am a totally blind person, and the material available about Islam in Braille or on tape was not only very little, but also very general. I believe the reason was that the material that I had access to wasn’t written by Muslims, and it kind of painted a dark picture of Islam. I think most of the literature written by Christians or non Muslims about Islam tends to do that most of the time. And I didn’t know that there were even Muslims in Halifax, so I obviously didn’t know any. I didn’t even know about the local Islamic association until I was already a Muslim.

So I read what I could until my first year out of high school, around the month of May, 1996, when I received a phone call asking me if I wanted to participate in a camp for blind and visually impaired people, known throughout Canada as Score. I agreed and sent them a resume, and praise be to God, I was excepted for work.

At first, I really didn’t want to go, but something kept telling me it would be a good idea if I went. So, on June 30th 1996 I boarded a plane from Nova Scotia to Toronto and took my last trip as a non Muslim; I just didn’t know it yet.

I got to Toronto, and everything at first was pretty normal... It was on the second day I was there when the journey of a thousand miles first started.

I arrived on a Sunday, and on the next day I met the person who God would use with His divine power to help guide me to the beautiful Religion of Islam. I met a sister named [xxxx], and if she reads this, I hope she doesn’t get mad at me for using her name.

When I met her, I immediately wanted to talk to her because I liked her name. I asked her of what origin her name was and she told me that it was Arabic; so I asked her if she was Muslim and she replied with the answer of yes. I immediately started telling her what I already knew about Islam, which lasted about ten seconds. I started asking her questions and also asking her to talk to me about Islam.

One particular incident that comes to my mind is when all of the workers at the camp went to a baseball game, and the sister and I started talking about Islam and missed pretty much the whole game.

Well, anyways, we talked for about three, maybe four days on and off about Islam, and on July the fifth, if my memory doesn’t fail me, I became a Muslim. My life has been totally different ever since. I look at things very differently than I used to and I finally feel like I belong to a family. All Muslims are brothers and sisters in Islam so I could say that I have approximately 1.2 billion brothers and sisters all of whom I’m proud to be related to. I finally know what it feels like to be humble and to worship a God that I don’t have to see.

For any non Muslim reading this, just look at it this way. It’s good to learn, but you never know when you will be tested, and if you’re not in the class at the time of the final exam, no matter how much you know, you’ll never get any credit. So like I said, it’s good to learn, but if you want to get credit, sign up for the class. In other words, declare shahada (testimony to faith) and let God teach you everything you need to know. Believe me the reward is worth it. You could say the reward is literally heaven.

If any good comes out of this story all the credit is due to God; only the mistakes are my own. I would like to mention a part of a hadeeth that has had a great effect on me and that is:

“Worship God as if you see him and if you don’t see him, know that he sees you.” (Saheeh Muslim)

Geographical distribution of Sunni and Shiite Islam


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