A man had a dream in which he was invited to a wedding. First he saw a magnificent hall in which people were seated at tables laden with the finest, mouth-watering delicacies. Observing the people, he was horrified to see that they were eyeing the food hungrily, yet they were miserably starving.
Why weren't they eating? Upon closer observation, he noticed that their hands were tied to cutlery which were much too long to bring to their mouths. Their arms were straight and bending their elbows was completely impossible for them to bring the food to their mouths, even though every pleasurable food was available. It was so close, yet out of reach! There was no alternative but to go hungry.
He was then shown another room and to his amazement, the people were jolly and healthy looking, and they were eating, although their hands were also tied to long cutlery.
They apeared well fed and content. Upon closer study, he noticed that they were reaching across the table and feeding one another so that they didnt have to bend their arms. Those who dined at these tables were accustomed to giving and benefiting others. By feeding one another from across the table they quickly realized that they would satisfy everyone.
The foundation upon which a relationship stands is a willingness to give, without expecting anything in return.